Version 24.2 (latest)

Infragistics.Controls.Menus Namespace

ClassRadialMenuColorChangedEventArgs Event arguments for a value change event of a RadialMenuColorItemBase
ClassRadialMenuColorItem An item for the XamRadialMenu that displays the selected color of a child RadialMenuColorWell
ClassRadialMenuColorItemBase Base class for an item that represents a color value.
ClassRadialMenuColorWell Represents a color within the XamRadialMenu
ClassRadialMenuItem Custom menu item for the XamRadialMenu that displays some content and may be clicked or checked.
ClassRadialMenuItemBase Base class for an item in the XamRadialMenu
ClassRadialMenuList Custom radial menu item that displays a list when navigating to the children.
ClassRadialMenuListValueChangedEventArgs Event argument class for the value change events of the RadialMenuList
ClassRadialMenuNumericGauge Custom item for a XamRadialMenu that allows choosing a numeric value from a specified range.
ClassRadialMenuNumericItem Custom menu item that represents a numerical value
ClassRadialMenuNumericValueChangedEventArgs Event arguments for a value change event of a RadialMenuNumericGauge or RadialMenuNumericItem
ClassRadialMenuToolTipContext Provides information about a tooltip for an item within the XamRadialMenu
ClassRadialMenuValueChangedEventArgs<T> Base class for an event involving the change of a value of an item within the XamRadialMenu
ClassXamRadialMenu Represents a circular menu control similar to that used in Microsoft's One Note MX.
EnumerationRadialMenuCheckBehavior Enumeration used to define whether how the item's RadialMenuItem.IsChecked state may be changed.
EnumerationRadialMenuChildItemPlacement Enumeration used to define where the child items of a RadialMenuItem are positioned relative to the parent.
See Also