
Infragistics Namespace

ClassCancelOperationResult Represents the result of a cancel operation of a pending operation.
ClassDataErrorInfo Contains information about one or more errors.
ClassItemFactory Used for creating objects of a specific type.
ClassItemFactory<T> Used for creating objects of type specified by the generic template type parameter T.
ClassMetadataPropertyMapping Used for mapping a field in the data source to an entry in the Metadata dictionary.
ClassMetadataPropertyMappingCollection Collection used for specifying fields whose values will be added to the Infragistics.Controls.Schedules.ActivityBase.Metadata dictionary.
ClassObjectSerializationInfo For internal use only.
ClassOperationResult Used as a return value by methods that perform operations asynchronously.
ClassPropertyMappingBase<TKey> Contains information regarding a specific property of the underlying data object and which property of the associated view object that data object property is mapped to.
ClassPropertyMappingCollection<TKey,TMapping> Base class for various field mapping collections used for specifying which field in the schedule object points to which field in the data source.
ClassPropertySerializationInfo For internal use only.
StructureTimeRange Represents a range of time.
EnumerationErrorSeverity Used to specifiy the DataErrorInfo.Severity property.
See Also