
DataAcquisitionEventArgs Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by DataAcquisitionEventArgs.

Public Constructors
Public Properties
Public PropertyCurrentPageGets the current page index  
Public PropertyCurrentSortGets a collection SortContext which will be applied.  
Public PropertyDataSourceGets / sets the IList that will be applied to the data manager.  
Public PropertyEnablePagingGets if the DataManager expects paged data.  
Public PropertyFiltersGets a collection that lists what filters will be applied.  
Public PropertyGroupByContextGets the GroupBy that will be applied to the data.  
Public PropertyHandledGets / sets if the event is to be considered handled. (Inherited from Infragistics.HandleableEventArgs)
Public PropertyPageSizeGets the maximum number of rows expected by the DataManager.  
See Also