
GroupByDataContext Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by GroupByDataContext.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorGroupByDataContext Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertyCountGets the total amount of records in this particular grouping.  
Public PropertyDisplayValueGets the string representation of the value, with the Count appended to it.  
Public PropertyGroupBySummaryLookupResultsGets a lookup table of the GroupBySummaryResults based on a column key.  
Public PropertyGroupBySummaryResultsSummary Results specific to the particular field that this GroupByContext represents.  
Public PropertyRecordsGets a collection of data that belongs to this particular grouping.  
Public PropertySummaryLookupResultsGets a lookup table of the SummaryResults based on a column key.  
Public PropertySummaryResultsSummary results for that were specified for all fields.  
Public PropertyValueGets the value of the that the data has been grouped by.  
Protected Properties
Protected Internal PropertyGroupBySummariesGets a list of the summaries that should be applied specifically for GroupBy.  
Protected Internal PropertySummariesGets a list of the summaries that should be applied to Children.  
Protected Internal PropertyTypedInfoGets/Sets the TypedInfo for the object.  
See Also