
Range Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by Range.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorRange ConstructorCreates a new Range instance.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyCharacterSettingsReturns the CharacterSettings associated with the text contained in the Range. (read only)  
Public PropertyCharacterStyleIdReturns/sets the ID of the CharacterStyle associated with the characters in the Range.  
Public PropertyDocumentReturns the RichTextDocument associated with the Range. (read only)  
Public PropertyDocumentSpanReturns a DocumentSpan that that corresponds to this Range.  
Public PropertyEndReturns/sets the ending character position of the Range.  
Public PropertyLengthReturns/sets the length of the Range. (read only)  
Public PropertyParagraphsReturns an enumerable list of ParagraphNodes that represents all the paragraphs in the Range. (read only)  
Public PropertyParagraphSettingsReturns a ParagraphSettings instance associated with the paragraphs in the Range. (read only)  
Public PropertyParagraphStyleIdReturns/sets the ID of the ParagraphStyle associated with the paragraphs in the Range.  
Public PropertyStartReturns/sets the starting character position of the Range.  
Public PropertyTextReturns/sets the text associated with the Range.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCheckSpellingBegins a spelling check for the range.  
Public MethodCloneCreates a copy of the Range.  
Public MethodCollapseCollapses a Range to the starting or ending position.  
Public MethodSetRangeSets the starting and ending character positions for the range.  
Public MethodToStringGets the string representation of the Range.  
Public Events
Public EventPropertyChangedEvent raised when a property on the object changes.  
See Also