The following tables list the members exposed by TSqlLanguage.SymbolNames.
Name | Description | |
AbsentKeyword | Name for the AbsentKeyword symbol. | |
AcpKeyword | Name for the AcpKeyword symbol. | |
AddExpression | Name for the AddExpression symbol. | |
AddKeyword | Name for the AddKeyword symbol. | |
AdhocDataSource | Name for the AdhocDataSource symbol. | |
AdhocTableSource | Name for the AdhocTableSource symbol. | |
AllExpression | Name for the AllExpression symbol. | |
AllKeyword | Name for the AllKeyword symbol. | |
AllowPageLocksKeyword | Name for the AllowPageLocksKeyword symbol. | |
AllowRowLocksKeyword | Name for the AllowRowLocksKeyword symbol. | |
AlterKeyword | Name for the AlterKeyword symbol. | |
AmpersandEqualsToken | Name for the AmpersandEqualsToken symbol. | |
AmpersandToken | Name for the AmpersandToken symbol. | |
AndExpression | Name for the AndExpression symbol. | |
AndKeyword | Name for the AndKeyword symbol. | |
AnyExpression | Name for the AnyExpression symbol. | |
AnyKeyword | Name for the AnyKeyword symbol. | |
ApplyKeyword | Name for the ApplyKeyword symbol. | |
Argument | Name for the Argument symbol. | |
AscKeyword | Name for the AscKeyword symbol. | |
AsKeyword | Name for the AsKeyword symbol. | |
AssignmentSetClause | Name for the AssignmentSetClause symbol. | |
AsteriskEqualsToken | Name for the AsteriskEqualsToken symbol. | |
AsteriskToken | Name for the AsteriskToken symbol. | |
AuthorizationKeyword | Name for the AuthorizationKeyword symbol. | |
AutoKeyword | Name for the AutoKeyword symbol. | |
AvgKeyword | Name for the AvgKeyword symbol. | |
BackupKeyword | Name for the BackupKeyword symbol. | |
BarEqualsToken | Name for the BarEqualsToken symbol. | |
BarToken | Name for the BarToken symbol. | |
Base64Keyword | Name for the Base64Keyword symbol. | |
BeginEndBlockStatement | Name for the BeginEndBlockStatement symbol. | |
BeginKeyword | Name for the BeginKeyword symbol. | |
BetweenExpression | Name for the BetweenExpression symbol. | |
BetweenKeyword | Name for the BetweenKeyword symbol. | |
BigintKeyword | Name for the BigintKeyword symbol. | |
BinaryKeyword | Name for the BinaryKeyword symbol. | |
BitKeyword | Name for the BitKeyword symbol. | |
BitwiseAndExpression | Name for the BitwiseAndExpression symbol. | |
BitwiseNotExpression | Name for the BitwiseNotExpression symbol. | |
BitwiseOrExpression | Name for the BitwiseOrExpression symbol. | |
BitwiseXorExpression | Name for the BitwiseXorExpression symbol. | |
BreakKeyword | Name for the BreakKeyword symbol. | |
BrowseForClause | Name for the BrowseForClause symbol. | |
BrowseKeyword | Name for the BrowseKeyword symbol. | |
BulkKeyword | Name for the BulkKeyword symbol. | |
BulkOpenRowset | Name for the BulkOpenRowset symbol. | |
ByKeyword | Name for the ByKeyword symbol. | |
CallerKeyword | Name for the CallerKeyword symbol. | |
CaretEqualsToken | Name for the CaretEqualsToken symbol. | |
CaretToken | Name for the CaretToken symbol. | |
CascadeKeyword | Name for the CascadeKeyword symbol. | |
CaseKeyword | Name for the CaseKeyword symbol. | |
CastKeyword | Name for the CastKeyword symbol. | |
CharKeyword | Name for the CharKeyword symbol. | |
CheckConstraint | Name for the CheckConstraint symbol. | |
CheckKeyword | Name for the CheckKeyword symbol. | |
CheckpointKeyword | Name for the CheckpointKeyword symbol. | |
CloseKeyword | Name for the CloseKeyword symbol. | |
CloseParenToken | Name for the CloseParenToken symbol. | |
ClusteredKeyword | Name for the ClusteredKeyword symbol. | |
CoalesceKeyword | Name for the CoalesceKeyword symbol. | |
CodePageKeyword | Name for the CodePageKeyword symbol. | |
CollateKeyword | Name for the CollateKeyword symbol. | |
ColonColonToken | Name for the ColonColonToken symbol. | |
ColumnAlias | Name for the ColumnAlias symbol. | |
ColumnAliasList | Name for the ColumnAliasList symbol. | |
ColumnConstraints | Name for the ColumnConstraints symbol. | |
ColumnDefinition | Name for the ColumnDefinition symbol. | |
ColumnKeyword | Name for the ColumnKeyword symbol. | |
CommaToken | Name for the CommaToken symbol. | |
CommitKeyword | Name for the CommitKeyword symbol. | |
CommonTableExpression | Name for the CommonTableExpression symbol. | |
CompositeGroupingSpecification | Name for the CompositeGroupingSpecification symbol. | |
CompressionPartitionRange | Name for the CompressionPartitionRange symbol. | |
CompressionPartitionsClause | Name for the CompressionPartitionsClause symbol. | |
ComputeKeyword | Name for the ComputeKeyword symbol. | |
ConcatKeyword | Name for the ConcatKeyword symbol. | |
ConstraintKeyword | Name for the ConstraintKeyword symbol. | |
ContainsKeyword | Name for the ContainsKeyword symbol. | |
ContainsTableKeyword | Name for the ContainsTableKeyword symbol. | |
ContentKeyword | Name for the ContentKeyword symbol. | |
ContinueKeyword | Name for the ContinueKeyword symbol. | |
ConvertKeyword | Name for the ConvertKeyword symbol. | |
CountKeyword | Name for the CountKeyword symbol. | |
CreateKeyword | Name for the CreateKeyword symbol. | |
CreateProcedureStatement | Name for the CreateProcedureStatement symbol. | |
CrossKeyword | Name for the CrossKeyword symbol. | |
CubeGroupingSpecification | Name for the CubeGroupingSpecification symbol. | |
CubeKeyword | Name for the CubeKeyword symbol. | |
CurrencyLiteralToken | Name for the CurrencyLiteralToken symbol. | |
CurrentDateKeyword | Name for the CurrentDateKeyword symbol. | |
CurrentKeyword | Name for the CurrentKeyword symbol. | |
CurrentTimeKeyword | Name for the CurrentTimeKeyword symbol. | |
CurrentTimestampKeyword | Name for the CurrentTimestampKeyword symbol. | |
CurrentUserKeyword | Name for the CurrentUserKeyword symbol. | |
CursorId | Name for the CursorId symbol. | |
CursorKeyword | Name for the CursorKeyword symbol. | |
DatabaseKeyword | Name for the DatabaseKeyword symbol. | |
DataCompressionKeyword | Name for the DataCompressionKeyword symbol. | |
DataCompressionOption | Name for the DataCompressionOption symbol. | |
DataModificationTopRowFilter | Name for the DataModificationTopRowFilter symbol. | |
DataModificationWhereClause | Name for the DataModificationWhereClause symbol. | |
DateKeyword | Name for the DateKeyword symbol. | |
Datetime2Keyword | Name for the Datetime2Keyword symbol. | |
DatetimeKeyword | Name for the DatetimeKeyword symbol. | |
DatetimeOffsetKeyword | Name for the DatetimeOffsetKeyword symbol. | |
DbccKeyword | Name for the DbccKeyword symbol. | |
DeallocateKeyword | Name for the DeallocateKeyword symbol. | |
DecimalKeyword | Name for the DecimalKeyword symbol. | |
DeclareKeyword | Name for the DeclareKeyword symbol. | |
DeclareTableBody | Name for the DeclareTableBody symbol. | |
DeclareTableStatement | Name for the DeclareTableStatement symbol. | |
DeclareVariableElement | Name for the DeclareVariableElement symbol. | |
DeclareVariableStatement | Name for the DeclareVariableStatement symbol. | |
DefaultKeyword | Name for the DefaultKeyword symbol. | |
DeletedKeyword | Name for the DeletedKeyword symbol. | |
DeleteKeyword | Name for the DeleteKeyword symbol. | |
DeleteStatement | Name for the DeleteStatement symbol. | |
DenyKeyword | Name for the DenyKeyword symbol. | |
DescKeyword | Name for the DescKeyword symbol. | |
DiskKeyword | Name for the DiskKeyword symbol. | |
DistinctKeyword | Name for the DistinctKeyword symbol. | |
DistributedKeyword | Name for the DistributedKeyword symbol. | |
DivideExpression | Name for the DivideExpression symbol. | |
DocumentKeyword | Name for the DocumentKeyword symbol. | |
DollarSignIdentityKeyword | Name for the DollarSignIdentityKeyword symbol. | |
DollarSignRowGuidKeyword | Name for the DollarSignRowGuidKeyword symbol. | |
DotToken | Name for the DotToken symbol. | |
DoubleKeyword | Name for the DoubleKeyword symbol. | |
DropDefaultStatement | Name for the DropDefaultStatement symbol. | |
DropExistingKeyword | Name for the DropExistingKeyword symbol. | |
DropKeyword | Name for the DropKeyword symbol. | |
DropProcedureStatement | Name for the DropProcedureStatement symbol. | |
DropTableStatement | Name for the DropTableStatement symbol. | |
DumpKeyword | Name for the DumpKeyword symbol. | |
DynamicKeyword | Name for the DynamicKeyword symbol. | |
ElementsKeyword | Name for the ElementsKeyword symbol. | |
ElseClause | Name for the ElseClause symbol. | |
ElseKeyword | Name for the ElseKeyword symbol. | |
EncryptionKeyword | Name for the EncryptionKeyword symbol. | |
EndKeyword | Name for the EndKeyword symbol. | |
EndOfStreamToken | Name for the EndOfStreamToken symbol. | |
EqualsExpression | Name for the EqualsExpression symbol. | |
EqualsToken | Name for the EqualsToken symbol. | |
ErrlvlKeyword | Name for the ErrlvlKeyword symbol. | |
ErrorFileKeyword | Name for the ErrorFileKeyword symbol. | |
EscapeKeyword | Name for the EscapeKeyword symbol. | |
ExceptKeyword | Name for the ExceptKeyword symbol. | |
ExceptQueryExpression | Name for the ExceptQueryExpression symbol. | |
ExclamationEqualsToken | Name for the ExclamationEqualsToken symbol. | |
ExclamationGreaterThanToken | Name for the ExclamationGreaterThanToken symbol. | |
ExclamationLessThanToken | Name for the ExclamationLessThanToken symbol. | |
ExecKeyword | Name for the ExecKeyword symbol. | |
ExecuteAsClause | Name for the ExecuteAsClause symbol. | |
ExecuteKeyword | Name for the ExecuteKeyword symbol. | |
ExistsExpression | Name for the ExistsExpression symbol. | |
ExistsKeyword | Name for the ExistsKeyword symbol. | |
ExitKeyword | Name for the ExitKeyword symbol. | |
ExpandKeyword | Name for the ExpandKeyword symbol. | |
ExplicitKeyword | Name for the ExplicitKeyword symbol. | |
ExpressionCallTarget | Name for the ExpressionCallTarget symbol. | |
ExpressionGroupingSpecification | Name for the ExpressionGroupingSpecification symbol. | |
ExpressionName | Name for the ExpressionName symbol. | |
ExpressionWithSortOrder | Name for the ExpressionWithSortOrder symbol. | |
ExternalKeyword | Name for the ExternalKeyword symbol. | |
FalseKeyword | Name for the FalseKeyword symbol. | |
FastFirstRowKeyword | Name for the FastFirstRowKeyword symbol. | |
FastForwardKeyword | Name for the FastForwardKeyword symbol. | |
FastKeyword | Name for the FastKeyword symbol. | |
FetchKeyword | Name for the FetchKeyword symbol. | |
FileKeyword | Name for the FileKeyword symbol. | |
FillFactorKeyword | Name for the FillFactorKeyword symbol. | |
FirstRowKeyword | Name for the FirstRowKeyword symbol. | |
FloatKeyword | Name for the FloatKeyword symbol. | |
ForcedKeyword | Name for the ForcedKeyword symbol. | |
ForceKeyword | Name for the ForceKeyword symbol. | |
ForceSeekKeyword | Name for the ForceSeekKeyword symbol. | |
ForeignKeyword | Name for the ForeignKeyword symbol. | |
ForKeyword | Name for the ForKeyword symbol. | |
FormatFileKeyword | Name for the FormatFileKeyword symbol. | |
FormsOfKeyword | Name for the FormsOfKeyword symbol. | |
ForwardOnlyKeyword | Name for the ForwardOnlyKeyword symbol. | |
FreeTextKeyword | Name for the FreeTextKeyword symbol. | |
FreeTextTableKeyword | Name for the FreeTextTableKeyword symbol. | |
FromKeyword | Name for the FromKeyword symbol. | |
FullKeyword | Name for the FullKeyword symbol. | |
FullTextColumns | Name for the FullTextColumns symbol. | |
FullTextPredicate | Name for the FullTextPredicate symbol. | |
FunctionCall | Name for the FunctionCall symbol. | |
FunctionCallSetClause | Name for the FunctionCallSetClause symbol. | |
FunctionKeyword | Name for the FunctionKeyword symbol. | |
GetdateKeyword | Name for the GetdateKeyword symbol. | |
GlobalKeyword | Name for the GlobalKeyword symbol. | |
GoKeyword | Name for the GoKeyword symbol. | |
GoStatement | Name for the GoStatement symbol. | |
GotoKeyword | Name for the GotoKeyword symbol. | |
GrantKeyword | Name for the GrantKeyword symbol. | |
GreaterThanEqualsToken | Name for the GreaterThanEqualsToken symbol. | |
GreaterThanExpression | Name for the GreaterThanExpression symbol. | |
GreaterThanOrEqualExpression | Name for the GreaterThanOrEqualExpression symbol. | |
GreaterThanToken | Name for the GreaterThanToken symbol. | |
GroupByClause | Name for the GroupByClause symbol. | |
GroupingKeyword | Name for the GroupingKeyword symbol. | |
GroupingSetsGroupingSpecification | Name for the GroupingSetsGroupingSpecification symbol. | |
GroupKeyword | Name for the GroupKeyword symbol. | |
HashIdentifierToken | Name for the HashIdentifierToken symbol. | |
HashKeyword | Name for the HashKeyword symbol. | |
HavingClause | Name for the HavingClause symbol. | |
HavingKeyword | Name for the HavingKeyword symbol. | |
HierarchyidKeyword | Name for the HierarchyidKeyword symbol. | |
HintKeyword | Name for the HintKeyword symbol. | |
HoldLockKeyword | Name for the HoldLockKeyword symbol. | |
IdentifiersCallTarget | Name for the IdentifiersCallTarget symbol. | |
IdentifierToken | Name for the IdentifierToken symbol. | |
IdentityColKeyword | Name for the IdentityColKeyword symbol. | |
IdentityInsertKeyword | Name for the IdentityInsertKeyword symbol. | |
IdentityKeyword | Name for the IdentityKeyword symbol. | |
IfKeyword | Name for the IfKeyword symbol. | |
IfStatement | Name for the IfStatement symbol. | |
IgnoreConstraintsKeyword | Name for the IgnoreConstraintsKeyword symbol. | |
IgnoreDupKeyKeyword | Name for the IgnoreDupKeyKeyword symbol. | |
IgnoreNonClusteredColumnStoreIndexKeyword | Name for the IgnoreNonClusteredColumnStoreIndexKeyword symbol. | |
IgnoreTriggersKeyword | Name for the IgnoreTriggersKeyword symbol. | |
ImageKeyword | Name for the ImageKeyword symbol. | |
InColumns | Name for the InColumns symbol. | |
IndexExpressionOption | Name for the IndexExpressionOption symbol. | |
IndexKeyword | Name for the IndexKeyword symbol. | |
IndexStateOption | Name for the IndexStateOption symbol. | |
IndexTableHint | Name for the IndexTableHint symbol. | |
InExpression | Name for the InExpression symbol. | |
InflectionalKeyword | Name for the InflectionalKeyword symbol. | |
InKeyword | Name for the InKeyword symbol. | |
InnerKeyword | Name for the InnerKeyword symbol. | |
InsertColumnList | Name for the InsertColumnList symbol. | |
InsertedKeyword | Name for the InsertedKeyword symbol. | |
InsertKeyword | Name for the InsertKeyword symbol. | |
InsertStatement | Name for the InsertStatement symbol. | |
IntersectKeyword | Name for the IntersectKeyword symbol. | |
IntersectQueryExpression | Name for the IntersectQueryExpression symbol. | |
IntKeyword | Name for the IntKeyword symbol. | |
IntoClause | Name for the IntoClause symbol. | |
IntoKeyword | Name for the IntoKeyword symbol. | |
IsAboutKeyword | Name for the IsAboutKeyword symbol. | |
IsKeyword | Name for the IsKeyword symbol. | |
IsNotNullExpression | Name for the IsNotNullExpression symbol. | |
IsNullExpression | Name for the IsNullExpression symbol. | |
JoinKeyword | Name for the JoinKeyword symbol. | |
JoinParenthesis | Name for the JoinParenthesis symbol. | |
KeepDefaultsKeyword | Name for the KeepDefaultsKeyword symbol. | |
KeepFixedKeyword | Name for the KeepFixedKeyword symbol. | |
KeepIdentityKeyword | Name for the KeepIdentityKeyword symbol. | |
KeepKeyword | Name for the KeepKeyword symbol. | |
KeyKeyword | Name for the KeyKeyword symbol. | |
KeysetKeyword | Name for the KeysetKeyword symbol. | |
KillKeyword | Name for the KillKeyword symbol. | |
LanguageKeyword | Name for the LanguageKeyword symbol. | |
LastRowKeyword | Name for the LastRowKeyword symbol. | |
LeftKeyword | Name for the LeftKeyword symbol. | |
LessThanEqualsToken | Name for the LessThanEqualsToken symbol. | |
LessThanExpression | Name for the LessThanExpression symbol. | |
LessThanGreaterThanToken | Name for the LessThanGreaterThanToken symbol. | |
LessThanOrEqualExpression | Name for the LessThanOrEqualExpression symbol. | |
LessThanToken | Name for the LessThanToken symbol. | |
LikeExpression | Name for the LikeExpression symbol. | |
LikeKeyword | Name for the LikeKeyword symbol. | |
LineNoKeyword | Name for the LineNoKeyword symbol. | |
LoadKeyword | Name for the LoadKeyword symbol. | |
LoopKeyword | Name for the LoopKeyword symbol. | |
MaxDopKeyword | Name for the MaxDopKeyword symbol. | |
MaxErrorsKeyword | Name for the MaxErrorsKeyword symbol. | |
MaxKeyword | Name for the MaxKeyword symbol. | |
MaxRecursionKeyword | Name for the MaxRecursionKeyword symbol. | |
MergeKeyword | Name for the MergeKeyword symbol. | |
MethodSpecifier | Name for the MethodSpecifier symbol. | |
MinKeyword | Name for the MinKeyword symbol. | |
MinusEqualsToken | Name for the MinusEqualsToken symbol. | |
MinusToken | Name for the MinusToken symbol. | |
ModuloExpression | Name for the ModuloExpression symbol. | |
MoneyKeyword | Name for the MoneyKeyword symbol. | |
MultilineCommentAsteriskContent | Name for the MultilineCommentAsteriskContent symbol. | |
MultilineCommentContent | Name for the MultilineCommentContent symbol. | |
MultilineCommentEnd | Name for the MultilineCommentEnd symbol. | |
MultilineCommentStart | Name for the MultilineCommentStart symbol. | |
MultiplyExpression | Name for the MultiplyExpression symbol. | |
NameKeyword | Name for the NameKeyword symbol. | |
NationalKeyword | Name for the NationalKeyword symbol. | |
NcharKeyword | Name for the NcharKeyword symbol. | |
NegateExpression | Name for the NegateExpression symbol. | |
NewLineToken | Name for the NewLineToken symbol. | |
NoCheckKeyword | Name for the NoCheckKeyword symbol. | |
NoExpandKeyword | Name for the NoExpandKeyword symbol. | |
NoLockKeyword | Name for the NoLockKeyword symbol. | |
NonClusteredKeyword | Name for the NonClusteredKeyword symbol. | |
NoneKeyword | Name for the NoneKeyword symbol. | |
NotBetweenExpression | Name for the NotBetweenExpression symbol. | |
NotEqualsExpression | Name for the NotEqualsExpression symbol. | |
NotExpression | Name for the NotExpression symbol. | |
NotGreaterThanExpression | Name for the NotGreaterThanExpression symbol. | |
NotInExpression | Name for the NotInExpression symbol. | |
NotKeyword | Name for the NotKeyword symbol. | |
NotLessThanExpression | Name for the NotLessThanExpression symbol. | |
NotLikeExpression | Name for the NotLikeExpression symbol. | |
NoWaitKeyword | Name for the NoWaitKeyword symbol. | |
NtextKeyword | Name for the NtextKeyword symbol. | |
NullableConstraint | Name for the NullableConstraint symbol. | |
NullIfKeyword | Name for the NullIfKeyword symbol. | |
NullKeyword | Name for the NullKeyword symbol. | |
NumericDecimalLiteralToken | Name for the NumericDecimalLiteralToken symbol. | |
NumericHexadecimalLiteralToken | Name for the NumericHexadecimalLiteralToken symbol. | |
NumericIntegerLiteralToken | Name for the NumericIntegerLiteralToken symbol. | |
NumericKeyword | Name for the NumericKeyword symbol. | |
NvarcharKeyword | Name for the NvarcharKeyword symbol. | |
OemKeyword | Name for the OemKeyword symbol. | |
OffKeyword | Name for the OffKeyword symbol. | |
OffsetsKeyword | Name for the OffsetsKeyword symbol. | |
OfKeyword | Name for the OfKeyword symbol. | |
OnKeyword | Name for the OnKeyword symbol. | |
OnlineKeyword | Name for the OnlineKeyword symbol. | |
OnlyKeyword | Name for the OnlyKeyword symbol. | |
OpenDataSourceKeyword | Name for the OpenDataSourceKeyword symbol. | |
OpenKeyword | Name for the OpenKeyword symbol. | |
OpenParenToken | Name for the OpenParenToken symbol. | |
OpenQueryKeyword | Name for the OpenQueryKeyword symbol. | |
OpenQueryTableSource | Name for the OpenQueryTableSource symbol. | |
OpenRowsetDataModificationTarget | Name for the OpenRowsetDataModificationTarget symbol. | |
OpenRowsetDataSource | Name for the OpenRowsetDataSource symbol. | |
OpenRowSetKeyword | Name for the OpenRowSetKeyword symbol. | |
OpenRowsetProvider | Name for the OpenRowsetProvider symbol. | |
OpenRowsetQuery | Name for the OpenRowsetQuery symbol. | |
OpenRowsetTableSource | Name for the OpenRowsetTableSource symbol. | |
OpenXmlKeyword | Name for the OpenXmlKeyword symbol. | |
OpenXmlTableSource | Name for the OpenXmlTableSource symbol. | |
OptimisticKeyword | Name for the OptimisticKeyword symbol. | |
OptimizeForOptimizerHint | Name for the OptimizeForOptimizerHint symbol. | |
OptimizeKeyword | Name for the OptimizeKeyword symbol. | |
OptionClause | Name for the OptionClause symbol. | |
OptionKeyword | Name for the OptionKeyword symbol. | |
OrderByClause | Name for the OrderByClause symbol. | |
OrderKeyword | Name for the OrderKeyword symbol. | |
OrExpression | Name for the OrExpression symbol. | |
OrKeyword | Name for the OrKeyword symbol. | |
OuterKeyword | Name for the OuterKeyword symbol. | |
OutKeyword | Name for the OutKeyword symbol. | |
OutputClause | Name for the OutputClause symbol. | |
OutputKeyword | Name for the OutputKeyword symbol. | |
OverKeyword | Name for the OverKeyword symbol. | |
OwnerKeyword | Name for the OwnerKeyword symbol. | |
PadIndexKeyword | Name for the PadIndexKeyword symbol. | |
PageKeyword | Name for the PageKeyword symbol. | |
PagLockKeyword | Name for the PagLockKeyword symbol. | |
ParameterizationKeyword | Name for the ParameterizationKeyword symbol. | |
ParenthesisExpression | Name for the ParenthesisExpression symbol. | |
PartitionsKeyword | Name for the PartitionsKeyword symbol. | |
PathKeyword | Name for the PathKeyword symbol. | |
PercentEqualsToken | Name for the PercentEqualsToken symbol. | |
PercentKeyword | Name for the PercentKeyword symbol. | |
PercentToken | Name for the PercentToken symbol. | |
PivotColumn | Name for the PivotColumn symbol. | |
PivotedTableSource | Name for the PivotedTableSource symbol. | |
PivotKeyword | Name for the PivotKeyword symbol. | |
PlanKeyword | Name for the PlanKeyword symbol. | |
PlusEqualsToken | Name for the PlusEqualsToken symbol. | |
PlusExpression | Name for the PlusExpression symbol. | |
PlusToken | Name for the PlusToken symbol. | |
PrecisionKeyword | Name for the PrecisionKeyword symbol. | |
PrimaryKeyword | Name for the PrimaryKeyword symbol. | |
PrintKeyword | Name for the PrintKeyword symbol. | |
PrintStatement | Name for the PrintStatement symbol. | |
ProcedureKeyword | Name for the ProcedureKeyword symbol. | |
ProcedureOption | Name for the ProcedureOption symbol. | |
ProcedureOptionsClause | Name for the ProcedureOptionsClause symbol. | |
ProcedureParameter | Name for the ProcedureParameter symbol. | |
ProcedureReference | Name for the ProcedureReference symbol. | |
ProcKeyword | Name for the ProcKeyword symbol. | |
PropertyFieldOrMethod | Name for the PropertyFieldOrMethod symbol. | |
PropertyKeyword | Name for the PropertyKeyword symbol. | |
PublicKeyword | Name for the PublicKeyword symbol. | |
QualifiedJoin | Name for the QualifiedJoin symbol. | |
QueryDerivedTable | Name for the QueryDerivedTable symbol. | |
QueryExpression | Name for the QueryExpression symbol. | |
QueryParenthesis | Name for the QueryParenthesis symbol. | |
QuerySpecification | Name for the QuerySpecification symbol. | |
RaiseErrorKeyword | Name for the RaiseErrorKeyword symbol. | |
RawKeyword | Name for the RawKeyword symbol. | |
ReadCommittedKeyword | Name for the ReadCommittedKeyword symbol. | |
ReadCommittedLockKeyword | Name for the ReadCommittedLockKeyword symbol. | |
ReadKeyword | Name for the ReadKeyword symbol. | |
ReadOnlyForClause | Name for the ReadOnlyForClause symbol. | |
ReadOnlyKeyword | Name for the ReadOnlyKeyword symbol. | |
ReadPastKeyword | Name for the ReadPastKeyword symbol. | |
ReadTextKeyword | Name for the ReadTextKeyword symbol. | |
ReadUncommittedKeyword | Name for the ReadUncommittedKeyword symbol. | |
ReadUnderscoreOnlyKeyword | Name for the ReadUnderscoreOnlyKeyword symbol. | |
RealKeyword | Name for the RealKeyword symbol. | |
RecompileKeyword | Name for the RecompileKeyword symbol. | |
ReconfigureKeyword | Name for the ReconfigureKeyword symbol. | |
ReferencesKeyword | Name for the ReferencesKeyword symbol. | |
RemoteKeyword | Name for the RemoteKeyword symbol. | |
RepeatableKeyword | Name for the RepeatableKeyword symbol. | |
RepeatableReadKeyword | Name for the RepeatableReadKeyword symbol. | |
RepeatSeedClause | Name for the RepeatSeedClause symbol. | |
ReplicationKeyword | Name for the ReplicationKeyword symbol. | |
RestoreKeyword | Name for the RestoreKeyword symbol. | |
RestrictKeyword | Name for the RestrictKeyword symbol. | |
ReturnKeyword | Name for the ReturnKeyword symbol. | |
RevertKeyword | Name for the RevertKeyword symbol. | |
RevokeKeyword | Name for the RevokeKeyword symbol. | |
RightKeyword | Name for the RightKeyword symbol. | |
RobustKeyword | Name for the RobustKeyword symbol. | |
RollbackKeyword | Name for the RollbackKeyword symbol. | |
RollupGroupingSpecification | Name for the RollupGroupingSpecification symbol. | |
RollupKeyword | Name for the RollupKeyword symbol. | |
RootKeyword | Name for the RootKeyword symbol. | |
RowCountKeyword | Name for the RowCountKeyword symbol. | |
RowGuidColKeyword | Name for the RowGuidColKeyword symbol. | |
RowKeyword | Name for the RowKeyword symbol. | |
RowLockKeyword | Name for the RowLockKeyword symbol. | |
RowsKeyword | Name for the RowsKeyword symbol. | |
RowsPerBatchKeyword | Name for the RowsPerBatchKeyword symbol. | |
RowValue | Name for the RowValue symbol. | |
RuleKeyword | Name for the RuleKeyword symbol. | |
SampleNumberClause | Name for the SampleNumberClause symbol. | |
SaveKeyword | Name for the SaveKeyword symbol. | |
SchemaDeclarationItem | Name for the SchemaDeclarationItem symbol. | |
SchemaKeyword | Name for the SchemaKeyword symbol. | |
SchemaObjectDataModificationTarget | Name for the SchemaObjectDataModificationTarget symbol. | |
SchemaObjectName | Name for the SchemaObjectName symbol. | |
SchemaObjectTableSource | Name for the SchemaObjectTableSource symbol. | |
ScrollKeyword | Name for the ScrollKeyword symbol. | |
ScrollLocksKeyword | Name for the ScrollLocksKeyword symbol. | |
SecurityAuditKeyword | Name for the SecurityAuditKeyword symbol. | |
SelectColumn | Name for the SelectColumn symbol. | |
SelectKeyword | Name for the SelectKeyword symbol. | |
SelectStatement | Name for the SelectStatement symbol. | |
SelfKeyword | Name for the SelfKeyword symbol. | |
SemanticKeyphraseTableKeyword | Name for the SemanticKeyphraseTableKeyword symbol. | |
SemanticSimilarityDetailsTableKeyword | Name for the SemanticSimilarityDetailsTableKeyword symbol. | |
SemanticSimilarityTableKeyword | Name for the SemanticSimilarityTableKeyword symbol. | |
SemicolonToken | Name for the SemicolonToken symbol. | |
SerializableKeyword | Name for the SerializableKeyword symbol. | |
SessionUserKeyword | Name for the SessionUserKeyword symbol. | |
SetKeyword | Name for the SetKeyword symbol. | |
SetLocalVariableStatement | Name for the SetLocalVariableStatement symbol. | |
SetsKeyword | Name for the SetsKeyword symbol. | |
SetUserKeyword | Name for the SetUserKeyword symbol. | |
ShutdownKeyword | Name for the ShutdownKeyword symbol. | |
SimpleBulkInsertOption | Name for the SimpleBulkInsertOption symbol. | |
SimpleKeyword | Name for the SimpleKeyword symbol. | |
SimpleOptimizerHint | Name for the SimpleOptimizerHint symbol. | |
SimpleTableHint | Name for the SimpleTableHint symbol. | |
SingleBlobKeyword | Name for the SingleBlobKeyword symbol. | |
SingleClobKeyword | Name for the SingleClobKeyword symbol. | |
SingleLineComment | Name for the SingleLineComment symbol. | |
SingleNclobKeyword | Name for the SingleNclobKeyword symbol. | |
SlashEqualsToken | Name for the SlashEqualsToken symbol. | |
SlashToken | Name for the SlashToken symbol. | |
SmallDatetimeKeyword | Name for the SmallDatetimeKeyword symbol. | |
SmallintKeyword | Name for the SmallintKeyword symbol. | |
SmallmoneyKeyword | Name for the SmallmoneyKeyword symbol. | |
SomeExpression | Name for the SomeExpression symbol. | |
SomeKeyword | Name for the SomeKeyword symbol. | |
SortInTempDBKeyword | Name for the SortInTempDBKeyword symbol. | |
SqlDataType | Name for the SqlDataType symbol. | |
SqlvariantKeyword | Name for the SqlvariantKeyword symbol. | |
StatementList | Name for the StatementList symbol. | |
StaticKeyword | Name for the StaticKeyword symbol. | |
StatisticsKeyword | Name for the StatisticsKeyword symbol. | |
StatisticsNoRecomputeKeyword | Name for the StatisticsNoRecomputeKeyword symbol. | |
StdevKeyword | Name for the StdevKeyword symbol. | |
StdevpKeyword | Name for the StdevpKeyword symbol. | |
StringLiteral | Name for the StringLiteral symbol. | |
StringLiteralContent | Name for the StringLiteralContent symbol. | |
StringLiteralDoubleQuoteContent | Name for the StringLiteralDoubleQuoteContent symbol. | |
StringLiteralDoubleQuoteEnd | Name for the StringLiteralDoubleQuoteEnd symbol. | |
StringLiteralDoubleQuoteStart | Name for the StringLiteralDoubleQuoteStart symbol. | |
StringLiteralDoubleQuoteToken | Name for the StringLiteralDoubleQuoteToken symbol. | |
StringLiteralEnd | Name for the StringLiteralEnd symbol. | |
StringLiteralStart | Name for the StringLiteralStart symbol. | |
StringLiteralToken | Name for the StringLiteralToken symbol. | |
Subquery | Name for the Subquery symbol. | |
SubtractExpression | Name for the SubtractExpression symbol. | |
SumKeyword | Name for the SumKeyword symbol. | |
SystemKeyword | Name for the SystemKeyword symbol. | |
SystemUserKeyword | Name for the SystemUserKeyword symbol. | |
TableAlias | Name for the TableAlias symbol. | |
TableHintsOptimizerHint | Name for the TableHintsOptimizerHint symbol. | |
TableKeyword | Name for the TableKeyword symbol. | |
TableSampleClause | Name for the TableSampleClause symbol. | |
TableSampleKeyword | Name for the TableSampleKeyword symbol. | |
TabLockKeyword | Name for the TabLockKeyword symbol. | |
TabLockxKeyword | Name for the TabLockxKeyword symbol. | |
TextKeyword | Name for the TextKeyword symbol. | |
TextSizeKeyword | Name for the TextSizeKeyword symbol. | |
ThenKeyword | Name for the ThenKeyword symbol. | |
ThesaurusKeyword | Name for the ThesaurusKeyword symbol. | |
TiesKeyword | Name for the TiesKeyword symbol. | |
TildeToken | Name for the TildeToken symbol. | |
TimeKeyword | Name for the TimeKeyword symbol. | |
TimestampKeyword | Name for the TimestampKeyword symbol. | |
TinyintKeyword | Name for the TinyintKeyword symbol. | |
ToKeyword | Name for the ToKeyword symbol. | |
TopKeyword | Name for the TopKeyword symbol. | |
TopRowFilter | Name for the TopRowFilter symbol. | |
TranKeyword | Name for the TranKeyword symbol. | |
TransactionKeyword | Name for the TransactionKeyword symbol. | |
TriggerKeyword | Name for the TriggerKeyword symbol. | |
TrueKeyword | Name for the TrueKeyword symbol. | |
TruncateKeyword | Name for the TruncateKeyword symbol. | |
TryConvertKeyword | Name for the TryConvertKeyword symbol. | |
TSEqualKeyword | Name for the TSEqualKeyword symbol. | |
TSqlBatch | Name for the TSqlBatch symbol. | |
TSqlScript | Name for the TSqlScript symbol. | |
TypeKeyword | Name for the TypeKeyword symbol. | |
TypeWarningKeyword | Name for the TypeWarningKeyword symbol. | |
UnionAllQueryExpression | Name for the UnionAllQueryExpression symbol. | |
UnionKeyword | Name for the UnionKeyword symbol. | |
UnionQueryExpression | Name for the UnionQueryExpression symbol. | |
UniqueConstraint | Name for the UniqueConstraint symbol. | |
UniqueIdentifierKeyword | Name for the UniqueIdentifierKeyword symbol. | |
UniqueKeyword | Name for the UniqueKeyword symbol. | |
UniqueRowFilter | Name for the UniqueRowFilter symbol. | |
UnknownKeyword | Name for the UnknownKeyword symbol. | |
UnpivotedTableSource | Name for the UnpivotedTableSource symbol. | |
UnpivotKeyword | Name for the UnpivotKeyword symbol. | |
UnqualifiedJoin | Name for the UnqualifiedJoin symbol. | |
UnrecognizedToken | Name for the UnrecognizedToken symbol. | |
UpdateForClause | Name for the UpdateForClause symbol. | |
UpdateKeyword | Name for the UpdateKeyword symbol. | |
UpdateStatement | Name for the UpdateStatement symbol. | |
UpdateTextKeyword | Name for the UpdateTextKeyword symbol. | |
UpdlockKeyword | Name for the UpdlockKeyword symbol. | |
UseKeyword | Name for the UseKeyword symbol. | |
UserDataType | Name for the UserDataType symbol. | |
UserDefinedTypeCallTarget | Name for the UserDefinedTypeCallTarget symbol. | |
UserDefinedTypePropertyAccess | Name for the UserDefinedTypePropertyAccess symbol. | |
UserKeyword | Name for the UserKeyword symbol. | |
UseStatement | Name for the UseStatement symbol. | |
ValueColumn | Name for the ValueColumn symbol. | |
ValuesExpression | Name for the ValuesExpression symbol. | |
ValuesInsertSource | Name for the ValuesInsertSource symbol. | |
ValuesKeyword | Name for the ValuesKeyword symbol. | |
VarbinaryKeyword | Name for the VarbinaryKeyword symbol. | |
VarcharKeyword | Name for the VarcharKeyword symbol. | |
VariableDataModificationTarget | Name for the VariableDataModificationTarget symbol. | |
VariableFunctionCall | Name for the VariableFunctionCall symbol. | |
VariableTableSource | Name for the VariableTableSource symbol. | |
VariableToken | Name for the VariableToken symbol. | |
VariableValuePair | Name for the VariableValuePair symbol. | |
VarKeyword | Name for the VarKeyword symbol. | |
VarpKeyword | Name for the VarpKeyword symbol. | |
VaryingKeyword | Name for the VaryingKeyword symbol. | |
ViewKeyword | Name for the ViewKeyword symbol. | |
ViewsKeyword | Name for the ViewsKeyword symbol. | |
WaitForKeyword | Name for the WaitForKeyword symbol. | |
WeightKeyword | Name for the WeightKeyword symbol. | |
WhenKeyword | Name for the WhenKeyword symbol. | |
WhereClause | Name for the WhereClause symbol. | |
WhereKeyword | Name for the WhereKeyword symbol. | |
WhileKeyword | Name for the WhileKeyword symbol. | |
WhitespaceToken | Name for the WhitespaceToken symbol. | |
WithCommonTableExpressions | Name for the WithCommonTableExpressions symbol. | |
WithinKeyword | Name for the WithinKeyword symbol. | |
WithKeyword | Name for the WithKeyword symbol. | |
WithTableHintsClause | Name for the WithTableHintsClause symbol. | |
WriteKeyword | Name for the WriteKeyword symbol. | |
WriteTextKeyword | Name for the WriteTextKeyword symbol. | |
XLockKeyword | Name for the XLockKeyword symbol. | |
XmlDataKeyword | Name for the XmlDataKeyword symbol. | |
XmlDataType | Name for the XmlDataType symbol. | |
XmlForClause | Name for the XmlForClause symbol. | |
XmlKeyword | Name for the XmlKeyword symbol. | |
XmlSchemaKeyword | Name for the XmlSchemaKeyword symbol. | |
XsinilKeyword | Name for the XsinilKeyword symbol. |