
VisualBasicLanguage.SymbolNames Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by VisualBasicLanguage.SymbolNames.

Public Fields
Public FieldAddAssignmentName for the AddAssignment symbol.  
Public FieldAddExpressionName for the AddExpression symbol.  
Public FieldAddHandlerAccessorStatementName for the AddHandlerAccessorStatement symbol.  
Public FieldAddHandlerBlockName for the AddHandlerBlock symbol.  
Public FieldAddHandlerKeywordName for the AddHandlerKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAddHandlerStatementName for the AddHandlerStatement symbol.  
Public FieldAddressOfExpressionName for the AddressOfExpression symbol.  
Public FieldAddressOfKeywordName for the AddressOfKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAggregateClauseName for the AggregateClause symbol.  
Public FieldAggregateKeywordName for the AggregateKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAggregationRangeVariableName for the AggregationRangeVariable symbol.  
Public FieldAliasImportsClauseName for the AliasImportsClause symbol.  
Public FieldAliasKeywordName for the AliasKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAmpersandEqualsTokenName for the AmpersandEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldAmpersandTokenName for the AmpersandToken symbol.  
Public FieldAndAlsoExpressionName for the AndAlsoExpression symbol.  
Public FieldAndAlsoKeywordName for the AndAlsoKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAndExpressionName for the AndExpression symbol.  
Public FieldAndKeywordName for the AndKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAnonymousObjectCreationExpressionName for the AnonymousObjectCreationExpression symbol.  
Public FieldAnsiKeywordName for the AnsiKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldArgumentListName for the ArgumentList symbol.  
Public FieldArrayBoundListName for the ArrayBoundList symbol.  
Public FieldArrayCreationExpressionName for the ArrayCreationExpression symbol.  
Public FieldArrayRankSpecifierName for the ArrayRankSpecifier symbol.  
Public FieldArrayTypeName for the ArrayType symbol.  
Public FieldAscendingKeywordName for the AscendingKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAscendingOrderingName for the AscendingOrdering symbol.  
Public FieldAsKeywordName for the AsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAsNewClauseName for the AsNewClause symbol.  
Public FieldAssemblyKeywordName for the AssemblyKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAssignmentStatementName for the AssignmentStatement symbol.  
Public FieldAsteriskEqualsTokenName for the AsteriskEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldAsteriskTokenName for the AsteriskToken symbol.  
Public FieldAttributeName for the Attribute symbol.  
Public FieldAttributeBlockName for the AttributeBlock symbol.  
Public FieldAutoKeywordName for the AutoKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAutoPropertyStatementName for the AutoPropertyStatement symbol.  
Public FieldBackslashEqualsTokenName for the BackslashEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldBackslashTokenName for the BackslashToken symbol.  
Public FieldBinaryKeywordName for the BinaryKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldBlockName for the Block symbol.  
Public FieldBooleanKeywordName for the BooleanKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldByKeywordName for the ByKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldByRefKeywordName for the ByRefKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldByteKeywordName for the ByteKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldByValKeywordName for the ByValKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCallKeywordName for the CallKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCallStatementName for the CallStatement symbol.  
Public FieldCaretEqualsTokenName for the CaretEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldCaretTokenName for the CaretToken symbol.  
Public FieldCaseBlockName for the CaseBlock symbol.  
Public FieldCaseElseBlockName for the CaseElseBlock symbol.  
Public FieldCaseElseClauseName for the CaseElseClause symbol.  
Public FieldCaseElseStatementName for the CaseElseStatement symbol.  
Public FieldCaseEqualsClauseName for the CaseEqualsClause symbol.  
Public FieldCaseGreaterThanClauseName for the CaseGreaterThanClause symbol.  
Public FieldCaseGreaterThanOrEqualClauseName for the CaseGreaterThanOrEqualClause symbol.  
Public FieldCaseKeywordName for the CaseKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCaseLessThanClauseName for the CaseLessThanClause symbol.  
Public FieldCaseLessThanOrEqualClauseName for the CaseLessThanOrEqualClause symbol.  
Public FieldCaseNotEqualsClauseName for the CaseNotEqualsClause symbol.  
Public FieldCaseRangeClauseName for the CaseRangeClause symbol.  
Public FieldCaseStatementName for the CaseStatement symbol.  
Public FieldCaseValueClauseName for the CaseValueClause symbol.  
Public FieldCatchFilterClauseName for the CatchFilterClause symbol.  
Public FieldCatchKeywordName for the CatchKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCatchPartName for the CatchPart symbol.  
Public FieldCatchStatementName for the CatchStatement symbol.  
Public FieldCBoolKeywordName for the CBoolKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCByteKeywordName for the CByteKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCCharKeywordName for the CCharKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCDateKeywordName for the CDateKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCDblKeywordName for the CDblKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCDecKeywordName for the CDecKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCharacterLiteralEndName for the CharacterLiteralEnd symbol.  
Public FieldCharacterLiteralExpressionName for the CharacterLiteralExpression symbol.  
Public FieldCharacterLiteralTokenName for the CharacterLiteralToken symbol.  
Public FieldCharKeywordName for the CharKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCIntKeywordName for the CIntKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldClassBlockName for the ClassBlock symbol.  
Public FieldClassConstraintName for the ClassConstraint symbol.  
Public FieldClassKeywordName for the ClassKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldClassStatementName for the ClassStatement symbol.  
Public FieldCLngKeywordName for the CLngKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCloseBraceTokenName for the CloseBraceToken symbol.  
Public FieldCloseParenTokenName for the CloseParenToken symbol.  
Public FieldCObjKeywordName for the CObjKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCollectionInitializerName for the CollectionInitializer symbol.  
Public FieldCollectionRangeVariableName for the CollectionRangeVariable symbol.  
Public FieldColonEqualsTokenName for the ColonEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldColonTokenName for the ColonToken symbol.  
Public FieldCommaTokenName for the CommaToken symbol.  
Public FieldCompareKeywordName for the CompareKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCompilationUnitName for the CompilationUnit symbol.  
Public FieldConcatenateAssignmentName for the ConcatenateAssignment symbol.  
Public FieldConcatenateExpressionName for the ConcatenateExpression symbol.  
Public FieldConditionalExpressionName for the ConditionalExpression symbol.  
Public FieldConstantDeclaratorName for the ConstantDeclarator symbol.  
Public FieldConstantMemberDeclarationName for the ConstantMemberDeclaration symbol.  
Public FieldConstKeywordName for the ConstKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldConstraintListName for the ConstraintList symbol.  
Public FieldConstructorBlockName for the ConstructorBlock symbol.  
Public FieldConstructorStatementName for the ConstructorStatement symbol.  
Public FieldContinueDoStatementName for the ContinueDoStatement symbol.  
Public FieldContinueForStatementName for the ContinueForStatement symbol.  
Public FieldContinueKeywordName for the ContinueKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldContinueWhileStatementName for the ContinueWhileStatement symbol.  
Public FieldCSByteKeywordName for the CSByteKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCShortKeywordName for the CShortKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCSngKeywordName for the CSngKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCStrKeywordName for the CStrKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCTypeExpressionName for the CTypeExpression symbol.  
Public FieldCTypeKeywordName for the CTypeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCUIntKeywordName for the CUIntKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCULngKeywordName for the CULngKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCUShortKeywordName for the CUShortKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCustomKeywordName for the CustomKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDateKeywordName for the DateKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDateLiteralExpressionName for the DateLiteralExpression symbol.  
Public FieldDateLiteralTokenName for the DateLiteralToken symbol.  
Public FieldDecimalKeywordName for the DecimalKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDeclareFunctionStatementName for the DeclareFunctionStatement symbol.  
Public FieldDeclareKeywordName for the DeclareKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDeclareSubStatementName for the DeclareSubStatement symbol.  
Public FieldDefaultKeywordName for the DefaultKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDelegateFunctionStatementName for the DelegateFunctionStatement symbol.  
Public FieldDelegateKeywordName for the DelegateKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDelegateSubStatementName for the DelegateSubStatement symbol.  
Public FieldDescendingKeywordName for the DescendingKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDescendingOrderingName for the DescendingOrdering symbol.  
Public FieldDictionaryAccessName for the DictionaryAccess symbol.  
Public FieldDimKeywordName for the DimKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDirectCastExpressionName for the DirectCastExpression symbol.  
Public FieldDirectCastKeywordName for the DirectCastKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDistinctClauseName for the DistinctClause symbol.  
Public FieldDistinctKeywordName for the DistinctKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDivideAssignmentName for the DivideAssignment symbol.  
Public FieldDivideExpressionName for the DivideExpression symbol.  
Public FieldDoKeywordName for the DoKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDollarSignTokenName for the DollarSignToken symbol.  
Public FieldDoLoopBottomTestBlockName for the DoLoopBottomTestBlock symbol.  
Public FieldDoLoopForeverBlockName for the DoLoopForeverBlock symbol.  
Public FieldDoLoopTopTestBlockName for the DoLoopTopTestBlock symbol.  
Public FieldDotTokenName for the DotToken symbol.  
Public FieldDoubleKeywordName for the DoubleKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldEachKeywordName for the EachKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldElseIfKeywordName for the ElseIfKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldElseIfPartName for the ElseIfPart symbol.  
Public FieldElseIfStatementName for the ElseIfStatement symbol.  
Public FieldElseKeywordName for the ElseKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldElsePartName for the ElsePart symbol.  
Public FieldElseStatementName for the ElseStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndAddHandlerStatementName for the EndAddHandlerStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndClassStatementName for the EndClassStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndConstructorStatementName for the EndConstructorStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndEnumStatementName for the EndEnumStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndEventStatementName for the EndEventStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndFunctionStatementName for the EndFunctionStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndGetStatementName for the EndGetStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndIfStatementName for the EndIfStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndInterfaceStatementName for the EndInterfaceStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndKeywordName for the EndKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldEndModuleStatementName for the EndModuleStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndNamespaceStatementName for the EndNamespaceStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndOfStreamTokenName for the EndOfStreamToken symbol.  
Public FieldEndOperatorStatementName for the EndOperatorStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndPropertyStatementName for the EndPropertyStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndRaiseEventStatementName for the EndRaiseEventStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndRemoveHandlerStatementName for the EndRemoveHandlerStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndSelectStatementName for the EndSelectStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndSetStatementName for the EndSetStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndStatementName for the EndStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndStructureStatementName for the EndStructureStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndSubStatementName for the EndSubStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndSyncLockStatementName for the EndSyncLockStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndTryStatementName for the EndTryStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndUsingStatementName for the EndUsingStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndWhileStatementName for the EndWhileStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEndWithStatementName for the EndWithStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEnumBlockName for the EnumBlock symbol.  
Public FieldEnumKeywordName for the EnumKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldEnumMemberDeclarationName for the EnumMemberDeclaration symbol.  
Public FieldEnumStatementName for the EnumStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEqualsExpressionName for the EqualsExpression symbol.  
Public FieldEqualsKeywordName for the EqualsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldEqualsTokenName for the EqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldEqualsValueName for the EqualsValue symbol.  
Public FieldEraseKeywordName for the EraseKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldEraseStatementName for the EraseStatement symbol.  
Public FieldErrorKeywordName for the ErrorKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldErrorStatementName for the ErrorStatement symbol.  
Public FieldEventBlockName for the EventBlock symbol.  
Public FieldEventKeywordName for the EventKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldEventMemberDeclarationName for the EventMemberDeclaration symbol.  
Public FieldEventStatementName for the EventStatement symbol.  
Public FieldExclamationTokenName for the ExclamationToken symbol.  
Public FieldExitDoStatementName for the ExitDoStatement symbol.  
Public FieldExitForStatementName for the ExitForStatement symbol.  
Public FieldExitFunctionStatementName for the ExitFunctionStatement symbol.  
Public FieldExitKeywordName for the ExitKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldExitPropertyStatementName for the ExitPropertyStatement symbol.  
Public FieldExitSelectStatementName for the ExitSelectStatement symbol.  
Public FieldExitSubStatementName for the ExitSubStatement symbol.  
Public FieldExitTryStatementName for the ExitTryStatement symbol.  
Public FieldExitWhileStatementName for the ExitWhileStatement symbol.  
Public FieldExplicitKeywordName for the ExplicitKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldExpressionRangeVariableName for the ExpressionRangeVariable symbol.  
Public FieldFalseKeywordName for the FalseKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFalseLiteralExpressionName for the FalseLiteralExpression symbol.  
Public FieldFieldDeclarationName for the FieldDeclaration symbol.  
Public FieldFinallyKeywordName for the FinallyKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFinallyPartName for the FinallyPart symbol.  
Public FieldFinallyStatementName for the FinallyStatement symbol.  
Public FieldFloatingPointLiteralTokenName for the FloatingPointLiteralToken symbol.  
Public FieldForBlockName for the ForBlock symbol.  
Public FieldForEachBlockName for the ForEachBlock symbol.  
Public FieldForEachStatementName for the ForEachStatement symbol.  
Public FieldForKeywordName for the ForKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldForStatementName for the ForStatement symbol.  
Public FieldForStepClauseName for the ForStepClause symbol.  
Public FieldFriendKeywordName for the FriendKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFromClauseName for the FromClause symbol.  
Public FieldFromKeywordName for the FromKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFunctionBlockName for the FunctionBlock symbol.  
Public FieldFunctionKeywordName for the FunctionKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFunctionLambdaHeaderName for the FunctionLambdaHeader symbol.  
Public FieldFunctionStatementName for the FunctionStatement symbol.  
Public FieldGenericNameName for the GenericName symbol.  
Public FieldGetAccessorStatementName for the GetAccessorStatement symbol.  
Public FieldGetKeywordName for the GetKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldGetTypeExpressionName for the GetTypeExpression symbol.  
Public FieldGetTypeKeywordName for the GetTypeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldGetXmlNamespaceExpressionName for the GetXmlNamespaceExpression symbol.  
Public FieldGetXmlNamespaceKeywordName for the GetXmlNamespaceKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldGlobalAttributeName for the GlobalAttribute symbol.  
Public FieldGlobalAttributeBlockName for the GlobalAttributeBlock symbol.  
Public FieldGlobalAttributeTargetName for the GlobalAttributeTarget symbol.  
Public FieldGlobalKeywordName for the GlobalKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldGoSubKeywordName for the GoSubKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldGoToKeywordName for the GoToKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldGotoStatementName for the GotoStatement symbol.  
Public FieldGreaterThanEqualsTokenName for the GreaterThanEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldGreaterThanExpressionName for the GreaterThanExpression symbol.  
Public FieldGreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsTokenName for the GreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldGreaterThanGreaterThanTokenName for the GreaterThanGreaterThanToken symbol.  
Public FieldGreaterThanOrEqualExpressionName for the GreaterThanOrEqualExpression symbol.  
Public FieldGreaterThanTokenName for the GreaterThanToken symbol.  
Public FieldGroupByClauseName for the GroupByClause symbol.  
Public FieldGroupJoinClauseName for the GroupJoinClause symbol.  
Public FieldGroupKeywordName for the GroupKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldHandlesClauseName for the HandlesClause symbol.  
Public FieldHandlesClauseItemName for the HandlesClauseItem symbol.  
Public FieldHandlesKeywordName for the HandlesKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldIdentifierBracketedTokenName for the IdentifierBracketedToken symbol.  
Public FieldIdentifierCSKName for the IdentifierCSK symbol.  
Public FieldIdentifierNameName for the IdentifierName symbol.  
Public FieldIdentifierTokenName for the IdentifierToken symbol.  
Public FieldIfKeywordName for the IfKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldIfPartName for the IfPart symbol.  
Public FieldIfStatementName for the IfStatement symbol.  
Public FieldImplementsClauseName for the ImplementsClause symbol.  
Public FieldImplementsKeywordName for the ImplementsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldImplementsStatementName for the ImplementsStatement symbol.  
Public FieldImportsKeywordName for the ImportsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldImportsStatementName for the ImportsStatement symbol.  
Public FieldIncompleteMemberName for the IncompleteMember symbol.  
Public FieldInferKeywordName for the InferKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldInferredFieldInitializerName for the InferredFieldInitializer symbol.  
Public FieldInheritsKeywordName for the InheritsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldInheritsStatementName for the InheritsStatement symbol.  
Public FieldInKeywordName for the InKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldInstanceExpressionName for the InstanceExpression symbol.  
Public FieldIntegerDivideAssignmentName for the IntegerDivideAssignment symbol.  
Public FieldIntegerDivideExpressionName for the IntegerDivideExpression symbol.  
Public FieldIntegerKeywordName for the IntegerKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldIntegerLiteralTokenName for the IntegerLiteralToken symbol.  
Public FieldInterfaceBlockName for the InterfaceBlock symbol.  
Public FieldInterfaceEventStatementName for the InterfaceEventStatement symbol.  
Public FieldInterfaceFunctionStatementName for the InterfaceFunctionStatement symbol.  
Public FieldInterfaceIncompleteMemberName for the InterfaceIncompleteMember symbol.  
Public FieldInterfaceInheritsStatementName for the InterfaceInheritsStatement symbol.  
Public FieldInterfaceKeywordName for the InterfaceKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldInterfaceMemberSpecifierName for the InterfaceMemberSpecifier symbol.  
Public FieldInterfacePropertyStatementName for the InterfacePropertyStatement symbol.  
Public FieldInterfaceStatementName for the InterfaceStatement symbol.  
Public FieldInterfaceSubStatementName for the InterfaceSubStatement symbol.  
Public FieldIntoKeywordName for the IntoKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldInvocationExpressionName for the InvocationExpression symbol.  
Public FieldIsExpressionName for the IsExpression symbol.  
Public FieldIsFalseKeywordName for the IsFalseKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldIsKeywordName for the IsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldIsNotExpressionName for the IsNotExpression symbol.  
Public FieldIsNotKeywordName for the IsNotKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldIsTrueKeywordName for the IsTrueKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldJoinClauseName for the JoinClause symbol.  
Public FieldJoinConditionName for the JoinCondition symbol.  
Public FieldJoinKeywordName for the JoinKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldKeyKeywordName for the KeyKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldLabelStatementName for the LabelStatement symbol.  
Public FieldLambdaExpressionName for the LambdaExpression symbol.  
Public FieldLeftShiftAssignmentName for the LeftShiftAssignment symbol.  
Public FieldLeftShiftExpressionName for the LeftShiftExpression symbol.  
Public FieldLessThanEqualsTokenName for the LessThanEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldLessThanExpressionName for the LessThanExpression symbol.  
Public FieldLessThanGreaterThanTokenName for the LessThanGreaterThanToken symbol.  
Public FieldLessThanLessThanEqualsTokenName for the LessThanLessThanEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldLessThanLessThanTokenName for the LessThanLessThanToken symbol.  
Public FieldLessThanOrEqualExpressionName for the LessThanOrEqualExpression symbol.  
Public FieldLessThanTokenName for the LessThanToken symbol.  
Public FieldLetKeywordName for the LetKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldLetQueryOperatorName for the LetQueryOperator symbol.  
Public FieldLibKeywordName for the LibKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldLikeExpressionName for the LikeExpression symbol.  
Public FieldLikeKeywordName for the LikeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldLineContinuationTokenName for the LineContinuationToken symbol.  
Public FieldLineTerminatorTokenName for the LineTerminatorToken symbol.  
Public FieldLiteralExpressionName for the LiteralExpression symbol.  
Public FieldLocalDeclarationName for the LocalDeclaration symbol.  
Public FieldLongKeywordName for the LongKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldLoopKeywordName for the LoopKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldMeKeywordName for the MeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldMemberAccessExpressionName for the MemberAccessExpression symbol.  
Public FieldMembersImportsClauseName for the MembersImportsClause symbol.  
Public FieldMidAssignmentName for the MidAssignment symbol.  
Public FieldMidKeywordName for the MidKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldMinusEqualsTokenName for the MinusEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldMinusTokenName for the MinusToken symbol.  
Public FieldModifiedIdentifierName for the ModifiedIdentifier symbol.  
Public FieldModKeywordName for the ModKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldModuleBlockName for the ModuleBlock symbol.  
Public FieldModuleKeywordName for the ModuleKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldModuleStatementName for the ModuleStatement symbol.  
Public FieldModuloExpressionName for the ModuloExpression symbol.  
Public FieldMultiLineFunctionLambdaExpressionName for the MultiLineFunctionLambdaExpression symbol.  
Public FieldMultiLineFunctionLambdaHeaderName for the MultiLineFunctionLambdaHeader symbol.  
Public FieldMultiLineIfBlockName for the MultiLineIfBlock symbol.  
Public FieldMultiLineSubLambdaExpressionName for the MultiLineSubLambdaExpression symbol.  
Public FieldMultiplyAssignmentName for the MultiplyAssignment symbol.  
Public FieldMultiplyExpressionName for the MultiplyExpression symbol.  
Public FieldMustInheritKeywordName for the MustInheritKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldMustOverrideFunctionStatementName for the MustOverrideFunctionStatement symbol.  
Public FieldMustOverrideKeywordName for the MustOverrideKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldMustOverridePropertyStatementName for the MustOverridePropertyStatement symbol.  
Public FieldMustOverrideSubStatementName for the MustOverrideSubStatement symbol.  
Public FieldMyBaseKeywordName for the MyBaseKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldMyClassKeywordName for the MyClassKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNamedArgumentName for the NamedArgument symbol.  
Public FieldNamedFieldInitializerName for the NamedFieldInitializer symbol.  
Public FieldNamespaceBlockName for the NamespaceBlock symbol.  
Public FieldNamespaceKeywordName for the NamespaceKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNamespaceStatementName for the NamespaceStatement symbol.  
Public FieldNarrowingKeywordName for the NarrowingKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNegateExpressionName for the NegateExpression symbol.  
Public FieldNewConstraintName for the NewConstraint symbol.  
Public FieldNewKeywordName for the NewKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNewLineTokenName for the NewLineToken symbol.  
Public FieldNextKeywordName for the NextKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNextLabelName for the NextLabel symbol.  
Public FieldNextStatementName for the NextStatement symbol.  
Public FieldNotEqualsExpressionName for the NotEqualsExpression symbol.  
Public FieldNotExpressionName for the NotExpression symbol.  
Public FieldNothingKeywordName for the NothingKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNothingLiteralExpressionName for the NothingLiteralExpression symbol.  
Public FieldNotInheritableKeywordName for the NotInheritableKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNotKeywordName for the NotKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNotOverridableKeywordName for the NotOverridableKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNullableTypeName for the NullableType symbol.  
Public FieldNumericLiteralExpressionName for the NumericLiteralExpression symbol.  
Public FieldObjectCollectionInitializerName for the ObjectCollectionInitializer symbol.  
Public FieldObjectCreationExpressionName for the ObjectCreationExpression symbol.  
Public FieldObjectKeywordName for the ObjectKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldObjectMemberInitializerName for the ObjectMemberInitializer symbol.  
Public FieldOffKeywordName for the OffKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOfKeywordName for the OfKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOmittedArgumentName for the OmittedArgument symbol.  
Public FieldOnErrorGoToLabelStatementName for the OnErrorGoToLabelStatement symbol.  
Public FieldOnErrorGoToMinusOneStatementName for the OnErrorGoToMinusOneStatement symbol.  
Public FieldOnErrorGoToZeroStatementName for the OnErrorGoToZeroStatement symbol.  
Public FieldOnErrorResumeNextStatementName for the OnErrorResumeNextStatement symbol.  
Public FieldOnKeywordName for the OnKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOpenBraceTokenName for the OpenBraceToken symbol.  
Public FieldOpenParenTokenName for the OpenParenToken symbol.  
Public FieldOperatorBlockName for the OperatorBlock symbol.  
Public FieldOperatorKeywordName for the OperatorKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOperatorStatementName for the OperatorStatement symbol.  
Public FieldOptionalKeywordName for the OptionalKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOptionKeywordName for the OptionKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOptionStatementName for the OptionStatement symbol.  
Public FieldOrderByClauseName for the OrderByClause symbol.  
Public FieldOrderKeywordName for the OrderKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOrElseExpressionName for the OrElseExpression symbol.  
Public FieldOrElseKeywordName for the OrElseKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOrExpressionName for the OrExpression symbol.  
Public FieldOrKeywordName for the OrKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOutKeywordName for the OutKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOverloadsKeywordName for the OverloadsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOverridableKeywordName for the OverridableKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOverridesKeywordName for the OverridesKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldParamArrayKeywordName for the ParamArrayKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldParameterName for the Parameter symbol.  
Public FieldParameterListName for the ParameterList symbol.  
Public FieldParameterModifierName for the ParameterModifier symbol.  
Public FieldParenthesizedExpressionName for the ParenthesizedExpression symbol.  
Public FieldPartialKeywordName for the PartialKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldPlusEqualsTokenName for the PlusEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldPlusExpressionName for the PlusExpression symbol.  
Public FieldPlusTokenName for the PlusToken symbol.  
Public FieldPowerAssignmentName for the PowerAssignment symbol.  
Public FieldPowerExpressionName for the PowerExpression symbol.  
Public FieldPredefinedCastExpressionName for the PredefinedCastExpression symbol.  
Public FieldPredefinedTypeName for the PredefinedType symbol.  
Public FieldPreprocessorConstContentName for the PreprocessorConstContent symbol.  
Public FieldPreprocessorConstTokenName for the PreprocessorConstToken symbol.  
Public FieldPreprocessorElseIfTokenName for the PreprocessorElseIfToken symbol.  
Public FieldPreprocessorElseTokenName for the PreprocessorElseToken symbol.  
Public FieldPreprocessorEndIfTokenName for the PreprocessorEndIfToken symbol.  
Public FieldPreprocessorEndRegionTokenName for the PreprocessorEndRegionToken symbol.  
Public FieldPreprocessorIfContentName for the PreprocessorIfContent symbol.  
Public FieldPreprocessorIfTokenName for the PreprocessorIfToken symbol.  
Public FieldPreprocessorLabelContentName for the PreprocessorLabelContent symbol.  
Public FieldPreprocessorLabelEndName for the PreprocessorLabelEnd symbol.  
Public FieldPreprocessorLabelStartName for the PreprocessorLabelStart symbol.  
Public FieldPreprocessorRegionTokenName for the PreprocessorRegionToken symbol.  
Public FieldPreprocessorThenTokenName for the PreprocessorThenToken symbol.  
Public FieldPreserveKeywordName for the PreserveKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldPrivateKeywordName for the PrivateKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldPropertyBlockName for the PropertyBlock symbol.  
Public FieldPropertyGetBlockName for the PropertyGetBlock symbol.  
Public FieldPropertyKeywordName for the PropertyKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldPropertySetBlockName for the PropertySetBlock symbol.  
Public FieldPropertyStatementName for the PropertyStatement symbol.  
Public FieldProtectedKeywordName for the ProtectedKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldPublicKeywordName for the PublicKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldQualifiedNameName for the QualifiedName symbol.  
Public FieldQualifiedNamespaceNameName for the QualifiedNamespaceName symbol.  
Public FieldQualifiedOpenTypeNameName for the QualifiedOpenTypeName symbol.  
Public FieldQueryExpressionName for the QueryExpression symbol.  
Public FieldQuestionTokenName for the QuestionToken symbol.  
Public FieldRaiseEventBlockName for the RaiseEventBlock symbol.  
Public FieldRaiseEventHandlerAccessorStatementName for the RaiseEventHandlerAccessorStatement symbol.  
Public FieldRaiseEventKeywordName for the RaiseEventKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRaiseEventStatementName for the RaiseEventStatement symbol.  
Public FieldRangeArgumentName for the RangeArgument symbol.  
Public FieldReadOnlyKeywordName for the ReadOnlyKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldReDimKeywordName for the ReDimKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldReDimPreserveStatementName for the ReDimPreserveStatement symbol.  
Public FieldReDimStatementName for the ReDimStatement symbol.  
Public FieldRemKeywordName for the RemKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRemoveHandlerAccessorStatementName for the RemoveHandlerAccessorStatement symbol.  
Public FieldRemoveHandlerBlockName for the RemoveHandlerBlock symbol.  
Public FieldRemoveHandlerKeywordName for the RemoveHandlerKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRemoveHandlerStatementName for the RemoveHandlerStatement symbol.  
Public FieldResumeKeywordName for the ResumeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldResumeNextStatementName for the ResumeNextStatement symbol.  
Public FieldResumeStatementName for the ResumeStatement symbol.  
Public FieldReturnKeywordName for the ReturnKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldReturnStatementName for the ReturnStatement symbol.  
Public FieldRightShiftAssignmentName for the RightShiftAssignment symbol.  
Public FieldRightShiftExpressionName for the RightShiftExpression symbol.  
Public FieldSByteKeywordName for the SByteKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSelectBlockName for the SelectBlock symbol.  
Public FieldSelectClauseName for the SelectClause symbol.  
Public FieldSelectKeywordName for the SelectKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSelectStatementName for the SelectStatement symbol.  
Public FieldSetAccessorStatementName for the SetAccessorStatement symbol.  
Public FieldSetKeywordName for the SetKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldShadowsKeywordName for the ShadowsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSharedKeywordName for the SharedKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldShortKeywordName for the ShortKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSimpleArgumentName for the SimpleArgument symbol.  
Public FieldSimpleArgumentRequiredName for the SimpleArgumentRequired symbol.  
Public FieldSimpleAsClauseName for the SimpleAsClause symbol.  
Public FieldSimpleNameExpressionName for the SimpleNameExpression symbol.  
Public FieldSingleKeywordName for the SingleKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSingleLineCommentName for the SingleLineComment symbol.  
Public FieldSingleLineElsePartName for the SingleLineElsePart symbol.  
Public FieldSingleLineFunctionLambdaExpressionName for the SingleLineFunctionLambdaExpression symbol.  
Public FieldSingleLineIfPartName for the SingleLineIfPart symbol.  
Public FieldSingleLineIfStatementName for the SingleLineIfStatement symbol.  
Public FieldSingleLineSubLambdaExpressionName for the SingleLineSubLambdaExpression symbol.  
Public FieldSkipClauseName for the SkipClause symbol.  
Public FieldSkipKeywordName for the SkipKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSkipWhileClauseName for the SkipWhileClause symbol.  
Public FieldSlashEqualsTokenName for the SlashEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldSlashTokenName for the SlashToken symbol.  
Public FieldStatementTerminatorName for the StatementTerminator symbol.  
Public FieldStaticKeywordName for the StaticKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldStepKeywordName for the StepKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldStopKeywordName for the StopKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldStopStatementName for the StopStatement symbol.  
Public FieldStrictKeywordName for the StrictKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldStringKeywordName for the StringKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldStringLiteralContentName for the StringLiteralContent symbol.  
Public FieldStringLiteralEndName for the StringLiteralEnd symbol.  
Public FieldStringLiteralExpressionName for the StringLiteralExpression symbol.  
Public FieldStringLiteralStartName for the StringLiteralStart symbol.  
Public FieldStringLiteralTokenName for the StringLiteralToken symbol.  
Public FieldStructureBlockName for the StructureBlock symbol.  
Public FieldStructureConstraintName for the StructureConstraint symbol.  
Public FieldStructureKeywordName for the StructureKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldStructureStatementName for the StructureStatement symbol.  
Public FieldSubBlockName for the SubBlock symbol.  
Public FieldSubKeywordName for the SubKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSubLambdaHeaderName for the SubLambdaHeader symbol.  
Public FieldSubStatementName for the SubStatement symbol.  
Public FieldSubtractAssignmentName for the SubtractAssignment symbol.  
Public FieldSubtractExpressionName for the SubtractExpression symbol.  
Public FieldSyncLockBlockName for the SyncLockBlock symbol.  
Public FieldSyncLockKeywordName for the SyncLockKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSyncLockStatementName for the SyncLockStatement symbol.  
Public FieldTakeClauseName for the TakeClause symbol.  
Public FieldTakeKeywordName for the TakeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTakeWhileClauseName for the TakeWhileClause symbol.  
Public FieldTextKeywordName for the TextKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldThenKeywordName for the ThenKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldThrowKeywordName for the ThrowKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldThrowStatementName for the ThrowStatement symbol.  
Public FieldToKeywordName for the ToKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTrueKeywordName for the TrueKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTrueLiteralExpressionName for the TrueLiteralExpression symbol.  
Public FieldTryBlockName for the TryBlock symbol.  
Public FieldTryCastExpressionName for the TryCastExpression symbol.  
Public FieldTryCastKeywordName for the TryCastKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTryKeywordName for the TryKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTryPartName for the TryPart symbol.  
Public FieldTryStatementName for the TryStatement symbol.  
Public FieldTypeArgumentName for the TypeArgument symbol.  
Public FieldTypeArgumentListName for the TypeArgumentList symbol.  
Public FieldTypeArityListName for the TypeArityList symbol.  
Public FieldTypeConstraintName for the TypeConstraint symbol.  
Public FieldTypeOfIsExpressionName for the TypeOfIsExpression symbol.  
Public FieldTypeOfKeywordName for the TypeOfKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTypeParameterName for the TypeParameter symbol.  
Public FieldTypeParameterListName for the TypeParameterList symbol.  
Public FieldTypeParameterMultipleConstraintClauseName for the TypeParameterMultipleConstraintClause symbol.  
Public FieldTypeParameterSingleConstraintClauseName for the TypeParameterSingleConstraintClause symbol.  
Public FieldUIntegerKeywordName for the UIntegerKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldULongKeywordName for the ULongKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldUnicodeKeywordName for the UnicodeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldUnrecognizedTokenName for the UnrecognizedToken symbol.  
Public FieldUntilClauseName for the UntilClause symbol.  
Public FieldUntilKeywordName for the UntilKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldUShortKeywordName for the UShortKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldUsingBlockName for the UsingBlock symbol.  
Public FieldUsingKeywordName for the UsingKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldUsingResourcesName for the UsingResources symbol.  
Public FieldUsingStatementName for the UsingStatement symbol.  
Public FieldVariableDeclaratorName for the VariableDeclarator symbol.  
Public FieldVariantKeywordName for the VariantKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldWendKeywordName for the WendKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldWhenKeywordName for the WhenKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldWhereClauseName for the WhereClause symbol.  
Public FieldWhereKeywordName for the WhereKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldWhileBlockName for the WhileBlock symbol.  
Public FieldWhileClauseName for the WhileClause symbol.  
Public FieldWhileKeywordName for the WhileKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldWhileStatementName for the WhileStatement symbol.  
Public FieldWhitespaceTokenName for the WhitespaceToken symbol.  
Public FieldWideningKeywordName for the WideningKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldWithBlockName for the WithBlock symbol.  
Public FieldWithEventsKeywordName for the WithEventsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldWithKeywordName for the WithKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldWithStatementName for the WithStatement symbol.  
Public FieldWriteOnlyKeywordName for the WriteOnlyKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldXMLNamespaceNameName for the XMLNamespaceName symbol.  
Public FieldXorExpressionName for the XorExpression symbol.  
Public FieldXorKeywordName for the XorKeyword symbol.  
See Also