
Matrix Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by Matrix.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorMatrix ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Fields
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)EmptyReturns the empty Matrix.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyItemOverloaded. An indexer for the Matrix. The Matrix can be indexed one-dimensionally or multi-dimensionally.  
Public PropertyLengthReturns the length of the MatrixBase. (Inherited from Infragistics.Math.MatrixBase)
Public PropertyRankReturns the number of dimensions in the MatrixBase. (Inherited from Infragistics.Math.MatrixBase)
Public PropertySizeReturns the dimensions of the MatrixBase as a Vector. (Inherited from Infragistics.Math.MatrixBase)
Protected Properties
Protected Internal PropertyDimensionsReturns the dimensions of the MatrixBase. (Inherited from Infragistics.Math.MatrixBase)
Public Methods
Public MethodAbsModifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Abs(y[i]).  
Public MethodAcosModifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Acos(y[i]).  
Public MethodAddOverloaded. Modifies the Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with y[i] + x[i].  
Public MethodArgModifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Arg(y[i]).  
Public MethodAsinModifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Asin(y[i]).  
Public MethodAtanModifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Atan(y[i]).  
Public MethodBinOverloaded. Modifies the Matrix by replacing its element with a bin number.  
Public MethodCeilingModifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Ceiling(y[i]).  
Public MethodCloneReturns a copy of the Matrix instance.  
Public MethodCompareToOverloaded. Modifies the Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with CompareTo(y[i],x[i]).  
Public MethodCopyToOverloaded. Overridden. Copies the base Matrix to an array starting at a particular index.  
Public MethodCosModifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Cos(y[i]).  
Public MethodCoshModifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Cosh(y[i]).  
Public MethodCumProductModifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i1,..,iN,..,iM] with y[i1,..,0,..,iM]*...*y[i1,..,iN,..,iM].  
Public MethodCumSumModifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i1,..,iN,..,iM] with y[i1,..,0,..,iM]+...+y[i1,..,iN,..,iM].  
Public MethodDivideOverloaded. Modifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with y[i] / x[i].  
Public MethodEqualsCompares the Matrix with x for equality.  
Public MethodExpModifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Exp(y[i]).  
Public MethodFloorModifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Floor(y[i]).  
Public MethodGetEnumeratorOverridden. Returns an enumerator for the Matrix.  
Public MethodGetHashCodeReturns hash code for the Matrix.  
Public MethodIsColumnDetermines whether the MatrixBase is a column MatrixBase. (Inherited from Infragistics.Math.MatrixBase)
Public MethodIsEmptyDetermines whether the MatrixBase is empty. (Inherited from Infragistics.Math.MatrixBase)
Public MethodIsRowDetermines whether the MatrixBase is a row MatrixBase. (Inherited from Infragistics.Math.MatrixBase)
Public MethodIsSquareDetermines whether the MatrixBase is square. (Inherited from Infragistics.Math.MatrixBase)
Public MethodIsTwoDimensionalDetermines if the MatrixBase has exactly two dimensions. (Inherited from Infragistics.Math.MatrixBase)
Public MethodIsUnitaryDetermines whether the MatrixBase is unitary. (Inherited from Infragistics.Math.MatrixBase)
Public MethodLogOverloaded. Modifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Log(y[i]).  
Public MethodLog10Modifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Log10(y[i]).  
Public MethodLog2Modifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Log2(y[i]).  
Public MethodModOverloaded. Modifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with y[i] % x[i].  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MultiplyOverloaded. Modifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with y[i] * x[i].  
Public MethodPowOverloaded. Modifies the Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Pow(y[i],x[i]).  
Public MethodRoundModifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Round(y[i]).  
Public MethodSignModifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Sign(y[i]).  
Public MethodSinModifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Sin(y[i]).  
Public MethodSinhModifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Sinh(y[i]).  
Public MethodSqrtModifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Sqrt(y[i]).  
Public MethodSqueezeRemoves unitary dimensions from MatrixBase instances with greater than two dimensions. (Inherited from Infragistics.Math.MatrixBase)
Public MethodSubtractOverloaded. Modifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with y[i] - x[i].  
Public MethodTanModifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Tan(y[i]).  
Public MethodTanhModifies a Matrix, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Tanh(y[i]).  
Public MethodToStringReturns the string representation of a Matrix.  
Public Operators
public Operator Addition Overloaded. Adds two Matrix instances pointwise.
public Operator Division Overloaded. Divides two Matrix instances pointwise.
public Operator Equality Overloaded. Determines whether two Matrix instances have the same dimensions and element values.
public Operator Explicit Type Conversion Overloaded. Casts a Vector to a Matrix.
public Operator Greater Than Overloaded. Compares two Matrix instances using the GreaterThan operator pointwise.
public Operator Greater Than or Equal Overloaded. Compares two Matrix instances using the GreaterThanOrEquals operator pointwise.
public Operator Implicit Type Conversion Overloaded. Casts a double to a unitary Matrix.
public Operator Inequality Overloaded. Determines whether two Matrix instances have different dimensions or element values.
public Operator Less Than Overloaded. Compares two Matrix instances using the LessThan operator pointwise.
public Operator Less Than or Equal Overloaded. Compares two Matrix instances using the LessThanOrEquals operator pointwise.
public Operator Modulus Overloaded. Returns the modulus of two Matrix instances pointwise.
public Operator Multiplication Overloaded. Multiplies two Matrix instances pointwise.
public Operator Subtraction Overloaded. Subtracts two Matrix instances pointwise.
See Also