
DimensionMetadata Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by DimensionMetadata.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorDimensionMetadata ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the DimensionMetadata class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAggregatorGets or sets the default Aggregator for a Infragistics.Olap.Data.IMeasure. This property is used only DimensionType is set to DimensionType.Measure.  
Public PropertyAggregatorTypeGets or sets the type of defult measure aggregator for Aggregator.  
Public PropertyAutoGenerateFieldGets or sets a value indicating whether dimennsion/measure will be generated for the property specified by SourcePropertyName.  
Public PropertyDimensionTypeGets or sets the type of dimension.  
Public PropertyDisplayFormatGets or sets the format string used for visualization of the data stored into the property specified by SourcePropertyName.  
Public PropertyDisplayNameGets or sets the display name for the dimension created over the property specified by SourcePropertyName.  
Public PropertyGroupNameGets or sets the name of the group on which belongs the described dimension.  
Public PropertyHierarchyDescriptorsGets the list of HierarchyDescriptor objects used to construct the hierarchies of the dimension this DimensionMetadata describes. This collections is used with both DimensionsGenerationMode.Metadata and DimensionsGenerationMode.Mixed modes.  
Public PropertySourcePropertyNameGets or sets the name of property used as data source of the dimension this DimensionMetadata describes in both modes DimensionsGenerationMode.Property and DimensionsGenerationMode.Mixed  
See Also