
Member Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by Member.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorMember ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the Member class.  
Public Fields
Public FieldHierarchyAttributeNameThe name of the "hierarchy" attribute  
Public FieldPropertyNameAncestorNamesThe name of the element containing the unique name of the parent of the member when Essbase is used as data provider.  
Public FieldPropertyNameCaptionThe name of the element containing the caption of the member  
Public FieldPropertyNameChildrenCardinalityThe name of the element containing the calculated number of children of the member  
Public FieldPropertyNameDisplayInfoThe name of the element containing the display information of the member  
Public FieldPropertyNameLNameThe name of the element containing the unique level name of the member  
Public FieldPropertyNameLNumberThe name of the element containing the level ordinal positions of the member  
Public FieldPropertyNameParentUniqueNameThe name of the element containing the unique name of the parent of the member  
Public FieldPropertyNameUniqueNameThe name of the element containing the unique name of the member  
Public FieldTagNameThe name of the tag for Member element  
Public Properties
Public PropertyHierarchyGets the unique name of the hierarchy to which the member belongs.  
Public PropertyPropertiesGets the properties of the member.  
See Also