
MdxElementCollectionElement Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by MdxElementCollectionElement.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorMdxElementCollectionElement ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the MdxElementCollectionElement class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyCollectionElementsGets the collection of the IMdxElement items.  
Public PropertyElementTypeGets the type of the MDX element.  
Public PropertyMdxExpressionGets the MDX expression.  
Public PropertyWrapExpressionWithBracketsGets or sets the array with two string symbols which represents the open and the close brackets. By default if there is more than item in the CollectionElements then when the MDX is evaluated the whole MDX is wraped with curly brackets '{' and '}'.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAddElementAdds IMdxElement item to collection.  
Public MethodRebuildExpressionRebuilds the MDX expression.  
See Also