
XmlaConnectionSettings Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by XmlaConnectionSettings.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorXmlaConnectionSettings ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the XmlaConnectionSettings class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyCredentialsGets or sets the client credentials used for calls to XMLA service.  
Public PropertyDiscoverPropertiesGets the collection of properties used when XMLA Discover method is executed.  
Public PropertyEncodingGets or sets the encoding used when the XMLA message is encoded/decodes. The default value is System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.  
Public PropertyExecutePropertiesGets the collection of properties used when XMLA Execute method is executed.  
Public PropertyHasConnectionSettings  
Public PropertyServerUriGets or sets the server URL. Microsoft SQL Analysis Server: http://[domain:port]/olap/msmdpump.dll  
See Also