
Kpi Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by Kpi.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorKpi Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertyCaptionGets the caption of the measure.  
Public PropertyCurrentTimeMemberThe unique name of the member in the time dimension that defines the temporal context of the KPI.  
Public PropertyDescriptionGets the description of the measure.  
Public PropertyKpiDisplayFolderGets or sets the measure display folder.  
Public PropertyKpiGoalThe unique name of the member in the measures dimension for the KPI Goal.  
Public PropertyKpiStatusThe unique name of the member in the measures dimension for the KPI Status.  
Public PropertyKpiStatusGraphicThe default Status graphical representation of the KPI.  
Public PropertyKpiTrendThe unique name of the member in the measures dimension for the KPI Trend.  
Public PropertyKpiTrendGraphicThe default Trend graphical representation of the KPI.  
Public PropertyKpiValueThe unique name of the member in the measures dimension for the KPI Value.  
Public PropertyKpiWeightThe unique name of the member in the measures dimension for the KPI Weight.  
Public PropertyMeasureGroupNameGets the name of the measure group measure belongs to.  
Public PropertyNameGets the name of the KPI.  
Public PropertyParentKpiNameThe name of the parent KPI.  
Public PropertyUniqueNameGets the unique name of the measure.  
See Also