
DynamicCustomAttributeBuilder Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by DynamicCustomAttributeBuilder.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorDynamicCustomAttributeBuilder ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the DynamicCustomAttributeBuilder class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAttributeTypeGets the System.Type of the attribute that this DynamicCustomAttributeBuilder creates.  
Public PropertyConstructorParametersGets or sets the parameters used when the attribute is created.  
Public PropertyConstructorParametersTypesGets or sets the types of parameters used when the attribute is created.  
Public PropertyNamedPropertiesGets or sets the names of the named properties that are set for this attribute.  
Public PropertyNamedPropertiesValuesGets or sets the values for the named properties that are set for this attribute.  
Public Methods
Public MethodBuildCreates the instance of System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder.  
See Also