
IAdvancedFilterViewModel Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by IAdvancedFilterViewModel.

Public Properties
 PropertyFilterByAllGets or sets whether the condions should be applied with an AND or an OR clause. True for AND, false for OR.  
 PropertyFilterViewModelGets the IFilterViewModel associated with the filter item that this IAdvancedFilterViewModel is filtering.  
 PropertyHasConditionsIndicates whether the IAdvancedFilterViewModel has conditions.  
 PropertyHasTwoOrMoreConditionsIndicates whether the IAdvancedFilterViewModel has two or more conditions.  
 PropertyHierarchyGets the hierarchy which will be filtered.  
 PropertyLabelConditionViewModelsGets a collection of view models for the filter conditions.  
 PropertyLastLabelConditionViewModelGets the last item of the LabelConditionViewModels collection.  
 PropertyOlapViewModelGets the data source associated with the filter item that this IAdvancedFilterViewModel is filtering.  
Public Methods
 MethodAddLabelConditionAdds a new ILabelConditionViewModel to the condition view models collection.  
 MethodApplyConditionsApply the conditions accumulated in the view model to the data source.  
 MethodClearLabelConditionsClears all items from the condition view models collection.  
 MethodFillConditionsFiil the conditions in the view model with the filters in the data source.  
 MethodRemoveLabelConditionRemoves a specific ILabelConditionViewModel from the condition view models collection.  
See Also