
IKeyTip Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by IKeyTip.

Public Properties
 PropertyActivationBehaviorUsed to indicate what should happen to the keytips and activation state of the key tip containers when the item is activated.  
 PropertyAdornedElementReturns the element that should be adorned with the keytip  
 PropertyAlignmentGets the alignment of the key tip based on the location.  
 PropertyAutoGeneratePrefixGets the prefix to use when auto-generating a key tip for the provider.  
 PropertyCanAutoGenerateKeyTipReturns a boolean indicating if a key tip can be generated from the mnemonic, caption or autogeneration/default prefix.  
 PropertyCaptionThe caption of the provider. This will be used to auto-generate a key tip when KeyTipValue and Mnemonic is null or empty.  
 PropertyDefaultPrefixThis will be used to auto-generate a key tip when there is no caption, mnemonic or auto generation prefix.  
 PropertyIsEnabledGets the value indicating whether the key tip should be displayed enabled.  
 PropertyIsVisibleGets the value indicating whether the key tip should be displayed.  
 PropertyKeyTipValueGets the key tip value to use for this provider.  
 PropertyLocationGets the locaton where the key tip should be displayed in screen coordinates  
 PropertyMnemonicThe mnemonic of the provider. This will be used to auto-generate a key tip when KeyTipValue is null or empty.  
Public Methods
 MethodActivateCalled when the providers key tip has been typed by the user. The provider should perform its default action when this is called  
 MethodEqualsReturn the value indicating whether this provider is equal to the specified provider  
 MethodGetContainerGets the key tip container related to this provider. Providers that do not contain other key tips should return null.  
See Also