| Name | Description |
| AlignParagraphContentCenter | Center aligns content in the paragraph(s) that intersect the current selection. |
| AlignParagraphContentJustified | Justifies content in the paragraph(s) that intersect the current selection. |
| AlignParagraphContentLeft | Left aligns content in the paragraph(s) that intersect the current selection. |
| AlignParagraphContentRight | Right aligns content in the paragraph(s) that intersect the current selection. |
| ApplyAllCapsFormatting | Adds 'all caps' formatting to the text in the current selection. |
| ApplyBoldFormatting | Adds bold formatting to the text in the word at the current Start location. If there is a non-zero length selection then only text in the current selection is formatted. |
| ApplyDoubleStrikethroughFormatting | Applies DoubleStrikethrough formatting to the text in the word at the current Start location. If there is a non-zero length selection then only text in the current selection is formatted. |
| ApplyFont | Applies the specified font to the text in the word at the current Start location. If there is a non-zero length selection then only text in the current selection is formatted. |
| ApplyFontSize | Applies the specified font size to the text in the word at the current Start location. If there is a non-zero length selection then only text in the current selection is formatted. |
| ApplyFontUnderlineFormatting | Applies the specified UnderlineType to the text in the word at the current Start location. If there is a non-zero length selection then only text in the current selection is formatted. |
| ApplyItalicFormatting | Applies italic formatting to the text in the word at the current Start location. If there is a non-zero length selection then only text in the current selection is formatted. |
| ApplyParagraphListStyle | Applies the specified list style Id to the paragraph(s) that intersect the current selection. |
| ApplyParagraphShading | Applies the specified Shading to the paragraph(s) that intersect the current selection. |
| ApplySingleStrikethroughFormatting | Applies SingleStrikethrough formatting to the text in the word at the current Start location. If there is a non-zero length selection then only text in the current selection is formatted. |
| ApplySmallCapsFormatting | Adds 'small caps' formatting to the text in the current selection. |
| ApplySubscriptFormatting | Adds superscript formatting to the text in the current selection. |
| ApplySuperscriptFormatting | Adds superscript formatting to the text in the current selection. |
| ApplyTextForecolor | Applies the specified forecolor to the text in the word at the current Start location. If there is a non-zero length selection then only text in the current selection is formatted. |
| ApplyTextHighlightColor | Applies the specified highlight color to the text in the word at the current Start location. If there is a non-zero length selection then only text in the current selection is formatted. |
| ApplyVerticalAlignment | Applies the specified System.Windows.VerticalAlignment to the text in the current selection. |
| CanPaste | Determines whether the content from the clipboard can be pasted into the selection. |
| ClearParagraphListStyle | Clears the paragraph list style setting (if any) on the paragraph(s) that intersect the current selection. |
| Collapse | Collapses a Range to the starting or ending position. |
| Copy | Copies the selected content to the clipboard. |
| Cut | Cuts the selected content and places it on the clipboard. |
| DecreaseIndent | Decrease the indentation of the paragraph(s) contained in the current selection. |
| DecreaseListIndent | Decrease the indentation of the list that contains the Selection Start. If the Selection Start is not within a list then no action is performed. |
| DecreaseParagraphOrListIndent | If the selection start is not within the first paragraph of a list, this method does the same thing as the DecreaseIndent method. If the selection start is within the first paragraph of a list, this method does the same thing as the DecreaseListIndent method. |
| DeleteCurrentCharacter | Deletes the character at the current Startlocation. If there is a non-zero length selection, the selected text is deleted. |
| DeletePreviousCharacter | Deletes the character preceding the Start location. If there is a non-zero length selection, the selected text is deleted. |
| DeleteToBeginningOfCurrentWord | Deletes all text from the Start location to the beginning of the current word (if the Start location is in the middle of a word), or deletes the previous word if the Start location is at the beginning of a word. If there is a non-zero length selection, the selected text is deleted. |
| DeleteToEndOfCurrentWord | Deletes all text from the Start location to the end of the current word. If there is a non-zero length selection, the selected text is deleted. |
| GrowFont | Increases the font size of the word at the current Start location. If there is an active selection only the font size of the selected text is increased. |
| IncreaseIndent | Increase the indentation of the paragraph(s) contained in the current selection. |
| IncreaseListIndent | Increase the indentation of the list that contains the Selection Start. If the Selection Start is not within a list then no action is performed. |
| IncreaseParagraphOrListIndent | If the selection start is not within the first paragraph of a list, this method does the same thing as the IncreaseIndent method. If the selection start is within the first paragraph of a list, this method does the same thing as the IncreaseListIndent method. |
| InsertTab | Inserts a tab character at the Start location. If there a non-zero length selection the current selected text is replaced with a tab. |
| MoveDown | Moves the selection down one line. |
| MoveToEndOfDocument | Moves the Start location to the end of the RichTextDocument. |
| MoveToEndOfLine | Moves the Start location to the end of the line containing the Start location . |
| MoveToNextCharacter | Moves the Start location to the next character position. |
| MoveToNextWord | Moves the Start location to the next word. |
| MoveToPreviousCharacter | Moves the Start location to the previous character position. |
| MoveToPreviousWord | Moves the Start location to the previous word. |
| MoveToStartOfDocument | Moves the Start location to the start of the RichTextDocument. |
| MoveToStartOfLine | Moves the Start location to the start of the line containing the Start location . |
| MoveUp | Moves the Start location up one line. |
| Paste | Pastes the content from the clipboard into the currently selected range of the document. |
| RemoveBoldFormatting | Removes bold formatting from the text in the current selection. |
| RemoveDoubleStrikethroughFormatting | Removes double strikethrough formatting from the text in the current selection. |
| RemoveItalicFormatting | Removes italic formatting from the text in the current selection. |
| RemoveSingleStrikethroughFormatting | Removes single strikethrough formatting from the text in the current selection. |
| RemoveStrikethroughFormatting | Removes all strikethrough formatting (single and/or double) from the text in the current selection. |
| RemoveSubscriptFormatting | Removes superscript formatting from the text in the current selection. |
| RemoveSuperscriptFormatting | Removes superscript formatting from the text in the current selection. |
| SelectAll | Selects all the content in the RichTextDocument. |
| SelectCurrentWord | Selects the word at the Start offset. |
| SelectDown | Moves the Start location down one line, selecting all text in between the start and end position. |
| SelectNextCharacter | Moves the selection end point one character position to the right. |
| SelectNextWord | Moves the selection end point one word to the right. |
| SelectPreviousCharacter | Moves the selection end point one character position to the left. |
| SelectPreviousWord | Moves the selection end point one word to the left. |
| SelectToEndOfDocument | Extends the selection to the end of the RichTextDocument. |
| SelectToEndOfLine | Extends the selection to the end of the line containing the End location. |
| SelectToStartOfDocument | Extends the selection to the start of the RichTextDocument. |
| SelectToStartOfLine | Extends the selection to the start of the line containing the End location. |
| SelectUp | Moves the Start location up one line, selecting all text in between the start and end position. |
| SetRange | Sets the starting and ending character positions for the range. |
| ShrinkFont | Decreases the font size of the word at the current Start location. If there is an active selection only the font size of the selected text is increased. |
| ToggleAllCapsFormatting | Toggles the 'all caps' formatting of the word at the current Start location. If there is a non-zero length selection only formatting of the text in the current selection is toggled. |
| ToggleBoldFormatting | Toggles the Bold formatting of the word at the current Start location. If there is a non-zero length selection only formatting of the text in the current selection is toggled. |
| ToggleBulletFormatting | Toggles the bullet list format of the word at the current Start location. |
| ToggleDoubleStrikethroughFormatting | Toggles the DoubleStrikethrough formatting of the word at the current Start location. If there is a non-zero length selection only formatting of the text in the current selection is toggled. |
| ToggleItalicFormatting | Toggles the Italic formatting of the word at the current Start location. If there is a non-zero length selection only formatting of the text in the current selection is toggled. |
| ToggleNumberFormatting | Toggles the number list format of the word at the current Start location. |
| ToggleSingleStrikethroughFormatting | Toggles the SingleStrikethrough formatting of the word at the current Start location. If there is a non-zero length selection only formatting of the text in the current selection is toggled. |
| ToggleSingleUnderlineFormatting | Toggles the Underline formatting (between UnderlineType.Single and UnderlineType.None) of the word at the current Start location. If there is a non-zero length selection only formatting of the text in the current selection is toggled. |
| ToggleSmallCapsFormatting | Toggles the 'small caps' formatting of the word at the current Start location. If there is a non-zero length selection only formatting of the text in the current selection is toggled. |
| ToggleSubscriptFormatting | Toggles the subscript formatting on the text in the current selection. |
| ToggleSuperscriptFormatting | Toggles the superscript formatting on the text in the current selection. |
| ToString | Gets the string representation of the Selection. |
| UpdateSelectionWithSpans | Allows one or more DocumentSpans to be applied to the selection as an atomic operation. |