
UndoTransaction Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by UndoTransaction.

Protected Constructors
Protected Internal ConstructorUndoTransaction ConstructorInitializes a new UndoTransaction  
Public Properties
Public PropertyIsClosedReturns a boolean indicating if the transaction has been closed/ended.  
Public PropertyOpenTransactionReturns the child transaction that is currently opened.  
Public PropertyParentReturns the parent/containing UndoTransaction  
Public PropertyTargetOverridden. Returns null since the UndoTransaction is a group of UndoUnit instances and may affect multiple targets  
Public PropertyUnitsReturns a read-only collection of the child units.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyDescriptionReturns the description provided to the constructor of the transaction.  
Protected PropertyDetailedDescriptionReturns the detailed description provided to the constructor of the transaction.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCommitCommits and closes the transaction  
Public MethodGetDescriptionOverridden. Returns a string representation of the action based on whether this is for an undo or redo operation.  
Public MethodRollbackCloses the transaction, executes the Units and removes it from the parent.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodCreateExecuteTransactionCreates a transaction that will be started while executing the Units.  
Protected Internal MethodExecuteOverridden. Used to perform the associated action for all items in the Units  
Protected Internal MethodMergeOverridden. Used to allow multiple consecutive undo units to be merged into a single operation.  
See Also