
GridBagLayoutManager Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by GridBagLayoutManager.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorGridBagLayoutManager ConstructorConstructor.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyColumnWeightsReturns the column weights of the gridbag layout. You can change them however they get recalculated once the layout is invalidated. Layout also gets invalidated whenever a layout item is added or removed.  
Public PropertyColumnWidthsReturns the preferred column widths of the gridbag layout. You can change them however they get recalculated once the layout is invalidated. Layout also gets invalidated whenever a layout item is added or removed.  
Public PropertyExpandToFitHeightIndicates whether to proportionally expand or shrink the heights of all the items to fit the layout rect. This would only get applied if all the items had 0.0 rowWeight's.  
Public PropertyExpandToFitWidthIndicates whether to proportionally expand or shrink the widths of all the items to fit the layout rect. This would only get applied if all the items had 0.0 columnWeight's.  
Public PropertyHorizontalContentAlignmentSpecifies where the contents are to be positioned horizontally if there is extra width available.  
Public PropertyIncludeMarginInPositionRectIndicates whether to include layout item margins in the rect that's specified in when the layout item is positioned via PositionItem call on the container. This mirrors the fact that UIElement's Arrange call takes a rect that includes the element's margins.  
Public PropertyInterItemSpacingHorizontalSpecifies the horizontal spacing between each item.  
Public PropertyInterItemSpacingVerticalSpecifies the vertical spacing between each item.  
Public PropertyLayoutItemsLayout items collection. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Layouts.Primitives.LayoutManagerBase)
Public PropertyPreferredSizeIncludesMarginIndicates that the preferred size provided by layout items include their margins. This mirrors DesiredSize of UIElement which includes its margins. However note that MinimumSize and MaximumSize do not include the margins, just like the UIElement.  
Public PropertyRowHeightsReturns the preferred row heights of the gridbag layout. You can change them however they get recalculated once the layout is invalidated. Layout also gets invalidated whenever a layout item is added or removed.  
Public PropertyRowWeightsReturns the row weights of the gridbag layout. You can change them however they get recalculated once the layout is invalidated. Layout also gets invalidated whenever a layout item is added or removed.  
Public PropertyShrinkToFitHeightIndicates whether to shrink or not shrink the items' heights to fit the available layout area. Overrides the behavior of ExpandToFitHeight property.  
Public PropertyShrinkToFitWidthIndicates whether to shrink or not shrink the items' widths to fit the available layout area. Overrides the behavior of ExpandToFitWidth property.  
Public PropertyVerticalContentAlignmentSpecifies where the contents are to be positioned vertically if there is extra height available.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCalculateAutoLayoutCalculates the row/column values for the specified items to fill the layout area.  
Public MethodCalculateMaximumSizeOverridden. Calculates the minimum size required to layout the items.  
Public MethodCalculateMinimumSizeOverridden. Calculates the minimum size required to layout the items.  
Public MethodCalculatePreferredSizeOverridden. Calculates the preferred size required to layout the items.  
Public MethodGetResizeRangeOverloaded. Gets the resize range of an item.  
Public MethodInvalidateLayoutOverridden. Invalidates any cached information so the layout manager recalculates everything next time.  
Public MethodLayoutContainerOverloaded. Overridden. Lays out items contained in this layout manager by calling PositionItem off the passed in container for each item.  
Public MethodPerformAutoSizeResizes the specified layout items to the specified preferred sizes.  
Public MethodResizeItemOverloaded. Resizes the specified layout item by specified deltaWidth and deltaHeight. Returns the new calculated preferred sizes of one or more items that will result in the resize item's target size.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOnLayoutChangedThis method is called whenever a layout item is added, removed or the layout is cleared. Implementation of this method calls InvalidateLayout to invalidate any cached information. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Layouts.Primitives.LayoutManagerBase)
Protected MethodValidateConstraintObjectOverridden. Implementation should throw an exception if the passed in constraint is not a valid constraint for this layout manager. It usually checks the type.  
See Also