
BusyIndicatorProgressBarBusyAnimationVisualData Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by BusyIndicatorProgressBarBusyAnimationVisualData.

Public Constructors
Public Properties
Public PropertyAnimationTotalDurationGets or sets the duration of the animation presenter layer of the XamBusyIndicator. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.BusyIndicator.BusyIndicatorAnimationVisualData)
Public PropertyContentGets or sets the content of the animation presenter layer of the XamBusyIndicator. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.BusyIndicator.BusyIndicatorAnimationVisualData)
Public PropertyCurrentVisualStateGets or sets the current VisualState of the animation presenter layer of the XamBusyIndicator. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.BusyIndicator.BusyIndicatorAnimationVisualData)
Public PropertyHeightGets or sets the height of the ProgressBarBusyAnimation.  
Public PropertyProgressBarAnimationFillGets or sets the animation fill of the ProgressBarBusyAnimation.  
Public PropertyProgressBarBackgroundGets or sets the progressbar background of the ProgressBarBusyAnimation.  
Public PropertyProgressBarBorderBrushGets or sets the progressbar borderbrush of the ProgressBarBusyAnimation.  
Public PropertyProgressBarBorderThicknessGets or sets the progressbar borderthickness of the ProgressBarBusyAnimation.  
Public PropertyProgressBarForegroundGets or sets the progressbar foreground of the ProgressBarBusyAnimation.  
Public PropertyProgressBarIndicatorFillGets or sets the indicator fill of the ProgressBarBusyAnimation.  
Public PropertyProgressBarIndicatorVisibilityGets or sets the visibility of the progressbar indicator part of the ProgressBarBusyAnimation.  
Public PropertyProgressBarIsIndeterminateGets or sets the progressbar IsIndeterminate property of the ProgressBarBusyAnimation.  
Public PropertyProgressBarValueGets or sets the progressbar value of the ProgressBarBusyAnimation.  
Public PropertyWidthGets or sets the width of the ProgressBarBusyAnimation.  
See Also