
SafeOuterGlowExtension Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by SafeOuterGlowExtension.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorSafeOuterGlowExtension ConstructorInitializes a new SafeOuterGlowExtension  
Public Properties
Public PropertyGlowColorReturns or sets the color of the halo glow.  
Public PropertyGlowSizeReturns or sets the thickness of the halo glow.  
Public PropertyNoiseReturns or sets the graininess of the halo glow.  
Public PropertyOpacityReturns or sets the transparency of the halo glow.  
Public Methods
Public MethodProvideValueOverridden. Returns an System.Windows.Media.Effects.OuterGlowBitmapEffect based on the properties of the markup extension.  
See Also