
Infragistics.Windows.Helpers Namespace

ClassActionHistory Maintains an undo/redo history.
ClassActionHistory.ActionBase Base class that represents a single action to perform.
ClassBindingListChangedEventManager Class used to support weak event listening for the IBindingList.ListChanged event
ClassClassComparer<T> Base class for a comparer that compares class type objects and performs the necessary null checks before calling the actual comparison routine.
ClassClipboardHelper Static class with helper methods for interacting with the clipboard.
ClassEnumerableObjectWrapper Wraps an object that implements the System.Collections.IEnumerable interface to expose both its name and its items.
ClassFocusWithinManager Class for managing IsFocusedWithin state of ui elements of specific types. To have the FocusWithinManager manage IsFocusedWithin state for ui elements of a specific type, register that type using the RegisterType(Type) method.
ClassFrameworkContentElementNotifier Abstract base class that implements INotifyPropertyChanged on a FrameworkContentElement
ClassHashSet Data structure for use as a set.
ClassNameScopeProxy Custom System.Windows.Markup.INameScope that acts as the proxy for the namescope of an ancestor element.
ClassNullableConverter<T> Custom type converter used for nullable types.
ClassStyleSelectorHelperBase Abstract base class used to supply styles dynamically that can be triggered lazily off the Style 'get'
See Also