
SelectionStrategyBase Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by SelectionStrategyBase.

Public Properties
Public PropertyIsMultiSelectTrue if this strategy supports selecting more than one item at a time (read-only).  
Public PropertyIsReleasingMouseCaptureTrue while the mouse capture is being toggled off (read-only).  
Public PropertyIsSingleSelectTrue if this strategy supports selecting only one item at a time (read-only).  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyAutoScrollHorizontalIntervalMaxReturns the number of milliseconds between consecutive horizontal auto scrolls when auto scrolling at the slowest rate.  
Protected PropertyAutoScrollHorizontalIntervalMinReturns the number of milliseconds between consecutive horizontal auto scrolls when auto scrolling at the fastest rate.  
Protected PropertyAutoScrollTimerDispatcherPriorityReturns the dispatcher priority for the autoscroll timers  
Protected PropertyAutoScrollVerticalIntervalMaxReturns the number of milliseconds between consecutive vertical auto scrolls when auto scrolling at the slowest rate.  
Protected PropertyAutoScrollVerticalIntervalMinReturns the number of milliseconds between consecutive vertical auto scrolls when auto scrolling at the fastest rate.  
Protected PropertyCurrentSelectableItemReturns/sets the current selectable item for the strategy.  
Protected PropertyCurrentSelectionStateReturns/sets the current state of the selection for the strategy.  
Protected PropertyDragThresholdReturns a value which represents the amount that the mouse must move from the inital MouseDown position before dragging will start.  
Protected Internal PropertyIgnoreNextMouseMoveReturns/sets whether the next mouse move should be ignored.  
Protected PropertyInDragModeReturns/sets whether the strategy is currently in drag mode.  
Protected PropertyInitialXPosReturns/sets the X coordinate of the mouse when the initial MouseDown was received.  
Protected PropertyInitialYPosReturns/sets the Y coordinate of the mouse when the initial MouseDown was received.  
Protected PropertyIsAnyMouseButtonDownReturns true if any mouse button is currently pressed.  
Protected PropertyIsCtrlKeyPressedReturns true if the CTRK key is currently pressed.  
Protected PropertyIsLeftMouseButtonDownReturns true if the left mouse button is currently pressed  
Protected PropertyIsShiftKeyPressedReturns true if the shift key is currently pressed.  
Protected PropertyPixelThresholdForHorizontalAutoScrollReturns the number of pixels inside the left or right edge of the ScrollArea within which auto scrolling will take place  
Protected PropertyPixelThresholdForVerticalAutoScrollReturns the number of pixels inside the top or bottom edge of the ScrollArea within which auto scrolling will take place  
Protected PropertySelectionHostReturns the SelectionHost (usually the control) for the strategy.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCancelPendingOperationsCalled to cancel any pending mouse drag operation  
Public MethodCanItemBeNavigatedToDetermines if a ISelectableItem can be navigated to.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetSelectionStrategyReturns one of the built in SelectionStrategyBase derived classes based on the specified Infragistics.Windows.Controls.SelectionType  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)IsMultiSelectStrategyReturns a boolean indicating if the default SelectionStrategyBase for a given Infragistics.Windows.Controls.SelectionType allows multiple selection.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)IsSingleSelectStrategyReturns a boolean indicating if the default SelectionStrategyBase for a given Infragistics.Windows.Controls.SelectionType is used to perform single item selection.  
Public MethodOnMouseLeftButtonDownCalled when a left mouse down is received.  
Public MethodOnMouseLeftButtonUpCalled when a left mouse up is received while the mouse is captured.  
Public MethodOnMouseMoveCalled when mouse move message is received.  
Public MethodSelectItemViaKeyboardCalled to select an item as a result of a key press  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodDragMoveUsed to verify the drag timers and call the ISelectionHost.OnDragMove  
Protected MethodDragStartCalled when dragging is to be started. It calls OnDragStart off the SelectionManager.  
Protected MethodGetMousePointInRootElementCoordinatesReturns a point in RootElement coordinates that corresponds to the mouse position contained in mouseEventArgs.  
Protected Internal MethodIsWithinDblClickThresholdDetermines if the mouse is still within the dblclick time and movement thresholds since the last mouse down.  
Protected MethodManageTimersDetermines during a drag operation whether timers are required to generate horizontal or vertical scrolling.  
Protected MethodOnDragStartCanceledThis method is called when the selection manager cancels OnDragStart. Default implementation releases the capture.  
Protected MethodShouldStartDragReturns true if dragging should start (when we're in preDrag mode). The default implementation checks to see if the x or y coords exceed the drag threshold.  
Protected MethodStopHorizontalAutoScrollTimerStops the timer used for horizontal auto scrolling.  
Protected MethodStopVerticalAutoScrollTimerStops the timer used for vertical auto scrolling.  
See Also