
Infragistics.Windows.Themes Namespace

ClassAssemblyResourceSetLoaderAttribute Attribute class used to identify the AssemblyResourceSetLoader derived class that loads and registers the resource sets for an assembly.
ClassAssemblyThemeGroupingNameAttribute Attribute used to identify the name of the assembly to be passed to the AssemblyResourceSetLoader.RegisterResourceSets method to allow a AssemblyResourceSetLoader to only register themes for the assemblies that have been loaded.
ClassPrimitivesAero Class used to supply style resources for the Aero look for primitive elements that are shared
ClassPrimitivesGeneric Class used to supply style resources for the Generic look for primitive elements that are shared
ClassPrimitivesIGTheme Class used to supply style resources for the IGTheme look for the primitive elements that are shared
ClassPrimitivesLunaNormal Class used to supply style resources for the LunaNormal look for primitive elements that are shared
ClassPrimitivesLunaOlive Class used to supply style resources for the LunaOlive look for primitive elements that are shared
ClassPrimitivesLunaSilver Class used to supply style resources for the LunaSilver look for primitive elements that are shared
ClassPrimitivesMetro Class used to supply style resources for the Metro look for primitive elements that are shared
ClassPrimitivesMetroDark Class used to supply style resources for the dark Metro look for primitive elements that are shared
ClassPrimitivesOffice2010Blue Class used to supply style resources for the Lite look for primitive elements that are shared
ClassPrimitivesOffice2013 Class used to supply style resources for the Lite look for primitive elements that are shared
ClassPrimitivesOffice2k7Black Class used to supply style resources for the Lite look for primitive elements that are shared
ClassPrimitivesOffice2k7Blue Class used to supply style resources for the Lite look for primitive elements that are shared
ClassPrimitivesOffice2k7Silver Class used to supply style resources for the Lite look for primitive elements that are shared
ClassPrimitivesOnyx Class used to supply style resources for the Onyx look for primitive elements that are shared
ClassPrimitivesResourceSet<T> Abstract base class used to supply style resources for a specific look for primitive elements that are shared.
ClassPrimitivesRoyalDark Class used to supply style resources for the Royal Dark look for primitive elements that are shared
ClassPrimitivesRoyale Class used to supply style resources for the Royale look for primitive elements that are shared
ClassPrimitivesRoyaleStrong Class used to supply style resources for the RoyaleStrong look for primitive elements that are shared
ClassPrimitivesRoyalLight Class used to supply style resources for the Royal Light look for primitive elements that are shared
ClassPrimitivesWashBaseDark Class used to supply style resources for the Office2k7Silver look for the primitive elements that are shared
ClassPrimitivesWashBaseLight Class used to supply style resources for the Office2k7Silver look for the primitive elements that are shared.
ClassResourceSet Abstract base class for resource sets
ClassResourceSetLoader Custom resource dictionary that loads based on a specified ResourceSetLocator
ClassResourceSetLocator Base class used to locate the resource set for a specific theme and grouping
ClassResourceWasher The ResourceWasher is a WPF resource dictionary that is used to clone brushes, pens and color resources defined in another ‘source resource dictionary’ and optional wash their colors. It exposes properties to specify the ‘source resource dictionary’, the default wash color along with a collection of wash groups. It also registers 2 attached properties that can be set on a Brush to specify its group name and whether its colors should be washed at all.
ClassStaticPropertyResourceKey A resource key that is intended to be exposed as a static readonly property or field.
ClassThemeManager Static class used for registering resources based on theme and grouping
ClassThemeTypeConverter TypeConverter used by string properties that identify themes. It provides a list of standard values based on all registered themes.
ClassWashGroup Defines the color to use to wash a group of resources
ClassWashGroupCollection A collection of groups used by the ResourceWasher for washing colors
EnumerationWashMode Determines the method used to wash colors.
See Also