
Configuring Axis Gap and Overlap


This topic provides information on configuring axis gap and axis overlap in the XamCategoryChart control.

Required background

The following topic is a prerequisite to understanding this topic: Adding Category Chart

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Axis Gap


The Axis Gap feature of the XamCategoryChart control allows setting the gap between series of the chart.


The XAxisGap property accepts a numeric float value between 0 and 1. The value represents a relative width of the gap out of the available number of pixels between series. 0 = no gap is rendered between series; 1 = maximum gap is rendered between series.

For example, XAxisGap of 0.5 is half of the available space used to draw the gap.


The XAxisGap property is only applicable to non-continuous series types. This includes the Column and Waterfall ChartTypes.

Code Snippet

To initialize XamCategoryChart with XAxisGap of 0.5 the following code can be used: In XAML:

<ig:XamCategoryChart x:Name="CategoryChart"
                        ItemsSource="{Binding EnergySampleData}"
categorychart axis gap.png

Axis Overlap


The Axis Overlap feature of the XamCategoryChart control allows setting overlap of rendered categories.


The XAxisOverlap property accepts a numeric float value between -1 and 1. The value represents a relative overlap out of the available number of pixels dedicated to each series.

Negative value (down to -1): the categories are pushed away from each other producing a gap between themselves.

Positive value (up to 1): the categories are overlapping each other. Value of 1 directs the chart to render categories on top of each other.

For example, XAxisOverlap of 0.5 is half of the available space used to draw categories overlapping each other.


The XAxisOverlap property is only applicable to non-continuous series types. This includes the Column and Waterfall ChartTypes.

Code Snippet


<ig:XamCategoryChart x:Name="CategoryChart"
                        ItemsSource="{Binding EnergySampleData}"
categorychart axis overlap.png

Related Content

Topic Purpose

This article will get you up and running with the Category Chart control.

This article describes the available chart types.