
Implementing Undo/Redo CRUD Operations in xamGrid Control

Topic Overview


This topic demonstrates how the Infragistics Undo\Redo Framework™ can be used with the xamGrid™ control.

Required background

The following table lists the topics required as a prerequisite to understanding this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic lists some of the important properties and methods of the UndoManager class.

This topic lists properties and methods of the UndoHistoryItem class.

This topic lists some of the important properties and methods of the ObservableCollectionExtendedWithUndo class.

Implementing Undo/Redo of End-User Operations in the xamGrid Control


The Infragistics Undo/Redo Framework provides support for undo/redo of end-user operations. The following example demonstrates how this functionality can be implemented along with the xamGrid control. Common operations as adding a new row, cells editing and rows deletion can be reverted.


The following screenshot is a preview of the final result.

UndoRedo xamGrid.png


To complete the procedure, you need the following:

  • Add the following NuGet package references:

    • Infragistics.WPF.Undo

    • Infragistics.WPF.Controls.Grids.XamGrid

  • Added Data.xml file (provided for you in your application)

For more information on setting up the NuGet feed and adding NuGet packages, you can take a look at the following documentation: NuGet Feeds.


The following steps demonstrate how to implement undo/redo of end-user operations in the xamGrid Control.

  1. Create a data model that supports the undo/redo operations named Product.

    The Product data model class inherits ObservableModel class that implements INotifyPropertyChanged.

    For each property change, an UndoUnit instance is created.

    See the Code Example: Product Class for more details.

  2. Create a viewmodel class that supports undo/redo operations named ProductViewModel.

    In this class XML data is loaded and stored in ProductCollection that derives from ObservableCollectionExtendedWithUndo class.

    See the Code Example: ProductViewModel Class for more details.

  3. Create a collection class that derives from the ObservableCollectionExtendedWithUndo class named ProductCollection.

    In this class, InsertItem and RemoveItem methods are overridden and the collection is associated with the UndoManager instance.

    See the Code Example: ProductCollection Class for more details.

  4. Set the DataContext property

    Instantiate the ProductViewModel and set it to the DataContext property.

    In C#:

    this.DataContext = new ProductViewModel();

    In Visual Basic:

    Me.DataContext = New ProductViewModel()
  5. Add a xamMenu control that displays the undo/redo history items and performs undo/redo commands

    Add a xamMenu control that displays the history items and use undo/redo commands.

  6. Add a xamGrid control that allows adding and deleting of rows and editing of cells

    Add a xamGrid control with adding a new row, editing and deleting features enabled.

  7. Handle the RowAdding event of the xamGrid control

    In the RowAdding event handler several operations are united into one using a transaction. This way the users can undo/redo adding a new row as one operation.

Code Examples


The following table lists the code examples included in this topic.

Example Description

Data model class that supports undo/redo of property changes.

Viewmodel class that supports recording of the changes in the collection.

Derived class from ObservableCollectionExtendedWithUndo class.

XAML code for adding a xamMenu control with undo/redo functionality implemented.

XAML code for adding a xamGrid control.

Handling the RowAdding event.

Code Example: Product Class


A data model class that supports undo/redo of property changes.


In C#:

public class Product : ObservableModel
    private object _owner;
    internal object Owner
        get { return _owner; }
        set { _owner = value; }
    private int _productID;
    public int ProductID
        get { return _productID; }
        set { this.SetField(ref _productID, value, "ProductID"); }
    private string _productName;
    public string ProductName
        get { return _productName; }
        set { this.SetField(ref _productName, value, "ProductName"); }
    private decimal _unitPrice;
    public decimal UnitPrice
        get { return _unitPrice; }
        set { this.SetField(ref _unitPrice, value, "UnitPrice"); }
    private int _unitsInStock;
    public int UnitsInStock
        get { return _unitsInStock; }
        set { this.SetField(ref _unitsInStock, value, "UnitsInStock"); }
    private int _unitsOnOrder;
    public int UnitsOnOrder
        get { return _unitsOnOrder; }
        set { this.SetField(ref _unitsOnOrder, value, "UnitsOnOrder"); }
    protected bool SetField<T>(ref T member, T newValue, string propertyName)
        if (EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(member, newValue))
            return false;
        if (_owner != null)
            UndoManager.FromReference(_owner).AddPropertyChange(this, propertyName, member, newValue);
        member = newValue;
        return true;
public class ObservableModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    protected void NotifyPropertyChanged(String info)
        if (PropertyChanged != null)
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(info));

In Visual Basic:

Public Class Product
    Inherits ObservableModel
    Private _owner As Object
    Friend Property Owner() As Object
            Return _owner
        End Get
        Set(value As Object)
            _owner = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Private _productID As Integer
    Public Property ProductID() As Integer
            Return _productID
        End Get
        Set(value As Integer)
            Me.SetField(_productID, value, "ProductID")
        End Set
    End Property
    Private _productName As String
    Public Property ProductName() As String
            Return _productName
        End Get
        Set(value As String)
            Me.SetField(_productName, value, "ProductName")
        End Set
    End Property
    Private _unitPrice As Decimal
    Public Property UnitPrice() As Decimal
            Return _unitPrice
        End Get
        Set(value As Decimal)
            Me.SetField(_unitPrice, value, "UnitPrice")
        End Set
    End Property
    Private _unitsInStock As Integer
    Public Property UnitsInStock() As Integer
            Return _unitsInStock
        End Get
        Set(value As Integer)
            Me.SetField(_unitsInStock, value, "UnitsInStock")
        End Set
    End Property
    Private _unitsOnOrder As Integer
    Public Property UnitsOnOrder() As Integer
            Return _unitsOnOrder
        End Get
        Set(value As Integer)
            Me.SetField(_unitsOnOrder, value, "UnitsOnOrder")
        End Set
    End Property
    Protected Function SetField(Of T)(ByRef member As T, newValue As T, propertyName As String) As Boolean
        If EqualityComparer(Of T).[Default].Equals(member, newValue) Then
            Return False
        End If
        If _owner IsNot Nothing Then
            UndoManager.FromReference(_owner).AddPropertyChange(Me, propertyName, member, newValue)
        End If
        member = newValue
        Return True
    End Function
End Class
Public Class ObservableModel
    Implements INotifyPropertyChanged
    Public Event PropertyChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PropertyChangedEventArgs) Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
    Protected Overridable Sub NotifyPropertyChanged(ByVal propertyName As String)
        RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName))
    End Sub
End Class

Code Example: ProductViewModel Class


A viewmodel class that supports recording of the changes in the collection.


In C#:

public class ProductViewModel : ObservableModel
    private ProductCollection _products;
    private UndoManager _undoManager;
    public UndoManager UndoManager
        get { return _undoManager; }
    private CollectionViewSource _viewSource;
    public ICollectionView Products
        get { return _viewSource.View; }
    public ProductViewModel()
        _undoManager = new UndoManager();
        _products = new ProductCollection(_undoManager);
        // Suspend recording of UndoUnits in the history while data is loading
            // Resume recording in history
        _viewSource = new CollectionViewSource();
        _viewSource.Source = _products;
    private void LoadXMLData()
        XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("Data.xml");
        var data = (from d in doc.Descendants("Product")
                    select new Product
                        ProductID = this.GetInt(d.Element("ProductID").Value),
                        ProductName = d.Element("ProductName").Value,
                        UnitPrice = this.GetDecimal(d.Element("UnitPrice").Value),
                        UnitsInStock = this.GetInt(d.Element("UnitsInStock").Value),
                        UnitsOnOrder = this.GetInt(d.Element("UnitsOnOrder").Value)
        foreach (var productItem in data)
    private int GetInt(string element)
        int value = 0;
        if (element != null)
            int.TryParse(element, out value);
        return value;
    private decimal GetDecimal(string element)
        decimal value = 0m;
        if (element != null)
            decimal.TryParse(element, out value);
        return value;

In Visual Basic:

Public Class ProductViewModel
    Inherits ObservableModel
    Private _products As ProductCollection
    Private _undoManager As UndoManager
    Public ReadOnly Property UndoManager() As UndoManager
            Return _undoManager
        End Get
    End Property
    Private _viewSource As CollectionViewSource
    Public ReadOnly Property Products() As ICollectionView
            Return _viewSource.View
        End Get
    End Property
    Public Sub New()
        _undoManager = New UndoManager()
        _products = New ProductCollection(_undoManager)
        End Try
        _viewSource = New CollectionViewSource()
        _viewSource.Source = _products
    End Sub
    Private Sub LoadXMLData()
        Dim doc As XDocument = XDocument.Load("Data.xml")
        Dim data = (From d In doc.Descendants("Product")
                    Select New Product With
                        .ProductID = Me.GetInt(d.Element("ProductID").Value),
                        .ProductName = d.Element("ProductName").Value,
                        .UnitPrice = Me.GetDecimal(d.Element("UnitPrice").Value),
                        .UnitsInStock = Me.GetInt(d.Element("UnitsInStock").Value),
                        .UnitsOnOrder = Me.GetInt(d.Element("UnitsOnOrder").Value)
        For Each productItem In data
    End Sub
    Private Function GetInt(element As String) As Integer
        Dim value As Integer = 0
        If element IsNot Nothing Then
            Integer.TryParse(element, value)
        End If
        Return value
    End Function
    Private Function GetDecimal(element As String) As Decimal
        Dim value As Decimal = 0D
        If element IsNot Nothing Then
            Decimal.TryParse(element, value)
        End If
        Return value
    End Function
End Class

Example: ProductCollection Class


A derived class from the Undo\Redo framework ObservableCollectionExtendedWithUndo class


In C#:

public class ProductCollection : ObservableCollectionExtendedWithUndo<Product>
    public ProductCollection(UndoManager undoManager)
        : base(undoManager)
    protected override void InsertItem(int index, Product item)
        item.Owner = this;
        base.InsertItem(index, item);
    protected override void RemoveItem(int index)
        Product item = this[index];
        item.Owner = null;

In Visual Basic:

Public Class ProductCollection
    Inherits ObservableCollectionExtendedWithUndo(Of Product)
    Public Sub New(undoManager As UndoManager)
    End Sub
    Protected Overrides Sub InsertItem(index As Integer, item As Product)
        item.Owner = Me
        MyBase.InsertItem(index, item)
    End Sub
    Protected Overrides Sub RemoveItem(index As Integer)
        Dim item As Product = Me(index)
        item.Owner = Nothing
    End Sub
End Class

Code Example: Displaying Undo/Redo History with xamMenu Control


The XAML code for adding a xamMenu control with undo/redo functionality implemented.

The xamMenu items represents history items that can be reverted.



<ig:XamMenu Grid.Row="0">
    <DataTemplate x:Key="historyItemTemplate">
      <TextBlock Text="{Binding LongDescription}" />
    <DataTemplate x:Key="undoRedoMenuItem">
          <ig:UndoManagerCommandSource CommandType="UndoRedoHistoryItem"
                                       EventName="Click" />
  <ig:XamMenuItem Header="Undo"
                  IsEnabled="{Binding UndoManager.CanUndo}"
                  ItemsSource="{Binding UndoManager.UndoHistory}"
                  DefaultItemsContainer="{StaticResource undoRedoMenuItem}"
                  ItemTemplate="{StaticResource historyItemTemplate}">
      <ig:UndoManagerCommandSource EventName="SubmenuOpened"
                                   ParameterBinding="{Binding UndoManager}" />
  <ig:XamMenuItem Header="Redo"
                  IsEnabled="{Binding UndoManager.CanRedo}"
                  ItemsSource="{Binding UndoManager.RedoHistory}"
                  DefaultItemsContainer="{StaticResource undoRedoMenuItem}"
                  ItemTemplate="{StaticResource historyItemTemplate}" />

Code Example: Adding a xamGrid Control on Your Page


The following code demonstrates adding a xamGrid control that allows CRUD operations – adding a new row, cells editing and deletion of a row.

The xamGrid control ItemsSource property is binded to the ProductViewModel Products member containing an ICollectionView data collection enabled for undo/redo.

The xamGrid DeleteKeyAction property is set to DeleteSelectedRows to delete all selected rows when the Delete key is pressed.

All key functionality that is needed to interact with data is enabled – adding a new row, cells editing, multiple rows selection, deletion of rows and paging.

The operations on data – creation, editing and deleting can be reverted with the Undo/Redo framework.



<ig:XamGrid x:Name="dataGrid" Grid.Row="1"
            ItemsSource="{Binding Products}"
  <!-- Enabling the adding of a new row -->
    <ig:AddNewRowSettings AllowAddNewRow="Top" />
  <!-- Enabling the cell editing on double mouse click -->
    <ig:EditingSettings AllowEditing="Cell"
                        IsMouseActionEditingEnabled="DoubleClick" />
  <!-- Adding row selector -->
    <ig:RowSelectorSettings Visibility="Visible" />
  <!-- Enabling a multiple rows selection -->
    <ig:SelectionSettings RowSelection="Multiple" />
  <!-- Adding a pager -->
    <ig:PagerSettings AllowPaging="Bottom" PageSize="10" />

Code Example: Handling the xamGrid RowAdding Event


Adding a row into the xamGrid contains of several end-user actions (for example – typing values in the Add new row’s cells). These actions has to be united with a transaction in order to have one action that can be reverted.


In C#:

private void dataGrid_RowAdding(object sender, Infragistics.Controls.Grids.CancellableRowAddingEventArgs e)
    string description = "";
    string detailedDescription = "Add New Row";
    // Group several undo units into one item
    UndoTransaction transaction = this._undoManager.StartTransaction(description, detailedDescription);
    new DispatcherSynchronizationContext().Post(new SendOrPostCallback(CommitTransaction), transaction);
private void CommitTransaction(object obj)
    if (obj != null)
        UndoTransaction transaction = obj as UndoTransaction;
        if (!transaction.IsClosed)
private UndoManager _undoManager
    get { return ((ProductViewModel)this.DataContext).UndoManager; }

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub dataGrid_RowAdding(sender As Object, e As Infragistics.Controls.Grids.CancellableRowAddingEventArgs)
    Dim description As String = ""
    Dim detailedDescription As String = "Add New Row"
    ' Group several undo units into one item
    Dim transaction As UndoTransaction = Me._undoManager.StartTransaction(description, detailedDescription)
    Dim sendOrPostCallback As New SendOrPostCallback(AddressOf CommitTransaction)
    Dim dispatcher As New DispatcherSynchronizationContext()
    dispatcher.Post(sendOrPostCallback, transaction)
End Sub
Private Sub CommitTransaction(obj As Object)
    If obj IsNot Nothing Then
        Dim transaction As UndoTransaction = TryCast(obj, UndoTransaction)
        If Not transaction.IsClosed Then
        End If
    End If
End Sub
Private ReadOnly Property _undoManager() As UndoManager
        Return DirectCast(Me.DataContext, ProductViewModel).UndoManager
    End Get
End Property

The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic provides an overview of the major classes, their properties and methods available in the Infragistics Undo/Redo Framework™.