
Infragistics.Collections.Services Namespace

ClassImmutableCollection<T> Represents an immutable collection. Once created, it can not be modified.
ClassItemPropertyChangedEventArgs Event arguments for a property changed on another object.
ClassObservableCollectionExtended<T> An extended ObservableCollection that supports adding and removing multiple items at once.
ClassReadOnlyNotifyCollection<T> Represents a read-only collection of items.
ClassSparseArray SparseArray class.
ClassTypedEnumerable<T> Typed enumerable that wraps a non-typed enumerable.
ClassViewList<T> Represents a list of view items that are created based on a list of data items.
ClassWeakDictionary<TKey,TValue> IDictionary implementation that manages keys and/or values as weak references so they can be garbage collected.
ClassWeakList List class that manages items using WeakReferences so the items in this list can be garbage collected. Items collected by garbage collector will be replaced by null. The WeakList<T>.Compact method can be used to remove entries from the list that have been garbage collected.
ClassWeakList<T> A strongly typed list class that manages items using WeakReferences so the items in this list can be garbage collected. Items collected by garbage collector will be replaced by null. The Compact method can be used to remove entries from the list that have been garbage collected.
InterfaceICreateItemCallback ICreateItemCallback interface.
InterfaceISparseArrayItem This interface can be implemented on items to be contained in the sparse array to get a fast IndexOf operation.
InterfaceISparseArrayMultiItem ISparseArrayMultiItem interface.
See Also