
CalculationReferenceNode Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by CalculationReferenceNode.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorCalculationReferenceNode ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyChildReferencesGets or sets the child references owned by this node.  
Public PropertyDisplayNameReturns the name to use for displaying this reference.  
Public PropertyDisplayNameResolvedReturns the resolved name to use for displaying this reference.  
Public PropertyIsDataReferenceIndicates if the reference can be part of a formula. For example, a grid or a band can't be part of a formula because they don't represent values however a column can be part of a formula.  
Public PropertyIsExpandedGets or sets the value indicating whether the node should be expanded if displayed in a tree and it has children.  
Public PropertyNodeTypeGets the type of reference represented by the node.  
Public PropertyReferenceGets or sets the reference that the node represents.  
Public PropertySortPriorityGets or sets the major sort priority for the node within its parent.  
See Also