
Infragistics.Controls.Barcodes Namespace

ClassBarcodeReader Defines the BarcodeReader class.
ClassGf256 Describe Galois Field for 256 - a closed field of 0..256.
ClassGfArithmetics Describe arithmetic operations in a Power-of-Two Galois Field.
ClassGs1Helper Helper file for work with all Application Identifiers (AI).
ClassPointFloat Describes a simple Point object with float coordinates.
ClassReaderDecodeArgs Provides data for DecodeComplete event handler.
ClassResourceHelper Helper methods for resource reading.
EnumerationPdf417ReaderErrorCorrectionLevel The possible values for the PDF417 Error Correction Level.
EnumerationReaderEncodingMode Specifies the encoding mode for compacting the data for the QR Code symbol. The modes are based on the character values and assignments associated with the default ECI (ECI 000003 representing the ISO/IEC 8859-1 character set).
EnumerationReaderQRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel QRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel defines the four level of Reed-Solomon error correction for the QR Code symbol.
EnumerationReaderSizeVersion Size of the symblol represented in terms of its position in the sequence of permissible sizes from 21x21 modules (Version 1) to 177x177 modules (Version 40) for the QR Code symbols.
EnumerationSymbology Specifies the Symbology of the barcode symbol.
EnumerationSymbolOrientation Describe the orientation of the scanning line for the linear barcode symbols. Used for better performance.
See Also