
SafeSortedReadOnlyDoubleCollection Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by SafeSortedReadOnlyDoubleCollection.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorSafeSortedReadOnlyDoubleCollection ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyCountGets the number of items in the collection.  
Public PropertyIsReadOnlyGets whether the collection is readonly.  
Public PropertyItemGets or sets the item at the specified index.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAddAdds a new item to the collection.  
Public MethodClearClears the items from the collection.  
Public MethodContainsDetermines whether the collection contains the provided item.  
Public MethodCopyToCopies the collection to the provided array, starting at the specified index.  
Public MethodGetEnumeratorGets an enumerator for the collection.  
Public MethodIndexOfReturns the index of the given item.  
Public MethodInsertInserts the given item as the specified index.  
Public MethodRemoveRemoves the provided item from the collection.  
Public MethodRemoveAtRemoves the item at the specified index.  
See Also