
DiagramConnectionCapPresenterVisualData Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by DiagramConnectionCapPresenterVisualData.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorDiagramConnectionCapPresenterVisualData ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the DiagramConnectionCapPresenterVisualData class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAngleGets or sets the angle the connection forms entering the node.  
Public PropertyLineOffsetGets or sets the line offset.  
Public PropertyPlacementOffsetGets or sets the cap placement offset.  
Public PropertyTransformGets or sets transform information that affects the rendering position of a cap.  
Public PropertyUseRotationGets or sets a value indicating whether [rotation is used].  
Public PropertyXGets or sets the X coordinate of a cap end.  
Public PropertyYGets or sets the Y coordinate of a cap end.  
See Also