
DiagramConnectionPointPresenterVisualData Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by DiagramConnectionPointPresenterVisualData.

Public Constructors
Public Properties
Public PropertyHeightGets or sets the height of a connection point.  
Public PropertyInnerRectangleGets or sets visual data for a connection point's geometry.  
Public PropertyInnerRectangleXGets or sets the X coordinate of the top-left corner of the connection point's geometry.  
Public PropertyInnerRectangleYGets or sets the Y coordinate of the top-left corner of the connection point's geometry.  
Public PropertyOuterRectangleGets or sets visual data for the geometry of a connection point which is being used to draw a connection from/to.  
Public PropertyVisibilityGets or sets the visibility of the connection point.  
Public PropertyWidthGets or sets the width of a connection point.  
Public PropertyXGets or sets the X coordinate of a connection point.  
Public PropertyYGets or sets the Y coordinate of a connection point.  
Public Methods
Public MethodScaleByViewportScales the object by viewport.  
Public MethodSerializeSerializes the current object to a string.  
See Also