
ColumnBaseCollection Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ColumnBaseCollection.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorColumnBaseCollection ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the ColumnBaseCollection class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAllColumnsGets a recursive collection of all ColumnBase objects in particular ColumnLayout  
Public PropertyAllVisibleChildColumnsGets a collection of all visible Column objects that have no children a in particular ColumnLayout  
Public PropertyAllVisibleColumnsGets a collection of all visible Column objects in particular ColumnLayout  
Public PropertyColumnLayoutGets the ColumnLayout object that owns the ColumnBaseCollection.  
Public PropertyColumnLayoutsGets the ReadOnlyCollection of ColumnLayouts that it owns.  
Public PropertyCount (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Public PropertyDataColumnsGets a list of columns that are of type Column.  
Public PropertyExpansionIndicatorColumnGets the Column that represents the ExpansionIndicator area of a specific ColumnLayout.  
Public PropertyFillerColumnGets the column that is used to fill up empty space in a row.  
Public PropertyFixedAdornerColumnsA collection of ColumnBase objects that should be displayed first and fixed in the XamGrid Note: these columns generally make up such columns that don't represent fields in the underlying data source such as the RowSelectorColumn and ExpansionIndicatorColumn.  
Public PropertyFixedBorderColumnLeftGets the column that seperates the pinned an unpinned columns.  
Public PropertyFixedBorderColumnRightGets the column that seperates the pinned an unpinned columns.  
Public PropertyFixedColumnsLeftGets a collection of Column objects that are pinned to the left side of a particular ColumnLayout  
Public PropertyFixedColumnsRightGets a collection of Column objects that are pinned to the right side of a particular ColumnLayout  
Public PropertyGroupByColumnsGets a collection of Column objects that determine how a data should be grouped for a particular ColumnLayout  
Public PropertyIsReadOnly (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Public PropertyItemGets the ColumnBase that has the specified key.  
Public PropertyRowSelectorColumnGets the Column that represents the RowSelector area of a specific ColumnLayout.  
Public PropertySelectedColumnsGets a collection of Column that are currently selected in the XamGrid.  
Public PropertySortedColumnsGets a collection of Column objects that are sorted in a particular ColumnLayout  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyItems (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Protected PropertyPriorityPropertiesGets a List of properties that should be applied, before even trying to look at any other property on the object.  
Protected PropertyPropertiesToIgnoreGets a List of properties that shouldn't be saved when the PersistenceManager goes to save them.  
Protected Internal PropertyStarColumnsGets a readonly list of Column objects that have a width that are Star.  
Protected Internal PropertyVisibleColumnsGets a readonly list of Column objects that are not hidden and are not ColumnLayout objects.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAdd (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Public MethodAddRangeAdds an IEnumerable of ColumnBase to the collection.  
Public MethodClear (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Public MethodContains (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Public MethodCopyTo (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Public MethodDisposeOverloaded.  (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Public MethodGetEnumerator (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Public MethodIndexOf (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Public MethodInsertOverridden. Inserts the specified ColumnBase as the specified index.  
Public MethodRemove (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Public MethodRemoveAt (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodAddItemOverridden. Inserts the ColumnBase at the specified index.  
Protected MethodAddItemSilentlyOverridden. Adds the item at the specified index, without triggering any events.  
Protected MethodCanRehydrateLooks through the keys, and determines that all the keys are in the collection, and that the same about of objects are in the collection. If this isn't the case, false is returned, and the Control Persistence Framework, will not try to reuse the object that are already in the collection.  
Protected MethodFinishedLoadingPersistenceAllows an object to perform an operation, after it's been loaded.  
Protected MethodGetCount (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Protected MethodGetItem (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Protected MethodGetLookupKeysGets a list of keys that each object in the collection has.  
Protected MethodInsertItem (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Protected Internal MethodInvalidateColumnsCollectionsDetermines which columns are Fixed, Visible or Hidden.  
Protected MethodOnItemAdded (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Protected MethodOnItemRemoved (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Protected MethodOnNotifyCollectionChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Protected MethodOnPropertyChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Protected MethodOnResetItems (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Protected MethodRegisterFixedAdornerColumnRegisters the specified ColumnBase as a fixed column.  
Protected MethodRemoveItemOverridden. Removes the ColumnBase a the specified index.  
Protected MethodRemoveItemSilentlyOverridden. Removes the item at the specified index, without triggering any events.  
Protected MethodReplaceItem (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Protected MethodResetItemsOverridden. Removes all ColumnBase objects from the ColumnBaseCollection.  
Protected MethodResetItemsSilently (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
Protected MethodUnregisterFixedAdornerColumnUnregisters the specified ColumnBase as a fixed column.  
Public Events
Public EventCollectionChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.Collections.CollectionBase<ColumnBase>)
See Also