
DataLimitingEventArgs Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by DataLimitingEventArgs.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorDataLimitingEventArgs ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the DataLimitingEventArgs class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyColumnLayoutGets the ColumnLayout which the object would be created under.  
Public PropertyCurrentPageGets the current page index  
Public PropertyCurrentSortGets a collection Infragistics.SortContext which will be applied.  
Public PropertyDataSourceGets / sets the IList that will be applied to the data manager.  
Public PropertyEnablePagingGets if the DataManager expects paged data.  
Public PropertyFiltersGets a collection that lists what filters will be applied.  
Public PropertyGroupByContextGets the GroupBy that will be applied to the data.  
Public PropertyPageSizeGets the maximum number of rows expected by the DataManager.  
Public PropertyParentRowGets the Row object which is the parent for this object.  
See Also