
XamGridRenderAdorner Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by XamGridRenderAdorner.

Public Properties
Public PropertyXamGridThe XamGrid that this XamGridRenderAdorner belongs to.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyRowsPanelThe RowsPanel that this object will append to.  
Public Methods
Public MethodArrangeAdornmentsOccurs after all rows have been arranged, it allows the object to render additional elements on top of the RowsPanel  
Public MethodArrangeAfterRowFor each row, additional elements can be arranged after.  
Public MethodInitializeAllows the XamGridRenderAdorner to prepare itself for a new Layout phase  
Public MethodMeasurePerforms a measure for all elements that should be added to the RowsPanel  
Public MethodMeasureAfterRowIf additional content is going to added after the row, this is where its measured  
Public MethodRegisterRowsPanelRegisters the RowsPanel that this XamGridRenderAdorner will insert elements into.  
Public MethodResetReleases all elements that this specific XamGridRenderAdorner has added to the RowsPanel  
Public MethodUnregisterRowsPanelUnregisters the RowsPanel that this XamGridRenderAdorner inserted elements into.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodAddElementIf GetElement returned null, then AddElement should be used to register that element with RowsPanel  
Protected MethodGetElementIf an element actually exists for the specified keys it is returned, otherwise null is returned.  
Protected MethodMeasureAdornersWhen overriden on a dervied class it measures all elements that will be displayed in the RowsPanel  
Protected MethodRegisterObjectUsedRegisters a particualr object as being used.  
Protected MethodUnregisterElementOverloaded. Given the the obj and key to look up this object by, the UIElement that it represents its removed from RowsPanel  
Protected MethodUnregisterObjectUnregisters the specific object, and removes its element from the RowsPanel  
See Also