
View Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by View.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorView ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the View class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyColumnChooserGets an instance of HiddenAxisChooser. which is applied through the XamPivotGrid's Control Template.  
Public PropertyColumnsHeaderPanelGets an instance of PivotColumnsPanel. which is applied through the XamPivotGrid's Control Template.  
Public PropertyDataRowsPanelGets an instance of PivotDataRowsPanel. which is applied through the XamPivotGrid's Control Template.  
Public PropertyFieldChooserPanelGets an instance of FieldChooserPanel. which is applied through the XamPivotGrid's Control Template.  
Public PropertyGridGets an instance of XamPivotGrid.  
Public PropertyGridLayoutGets an instance of grid layout.  
Public PropertyPanelGets an instance of PivotGridPanel. which is applied through the XamPivotGrid's Control Template.  
Public PropertyRowChooserGets an instance of HiddenAxisChooser. which is applied through the XamPivotGrid's Control Template.  
Public PropertyRowsHeaderPanelGets an instance of PivotRowsPanel. which is applied through the XamPivotGrid's Control Template.  
Public Methods
Public MethodInitViewInitializes the view with ui elements taken from template.  
Protected Methods
Protected Internal MethodArrangeArranges the Panel according the given logic.  
Protected Internal MethodCreateColumnHeaderCellCreates the instance for column header cell.  
Protected Internal MethodCreateRowHeaderCellCreates the instance for row header cell.  
Protected Internal MethodDataRowCreateInstanceOfRecyclingElementCreates a new instance of the System.Windows.FrameworkElement that represents the object.  
Protected Internal MethodDataRowRecyclingElementTypeGets the Type of control that should be created for the View.  
Protected MethodEstimateSharedColumnWidthEstimates the width of the shared column.  
Protected Internal MethodMeasureMeasures the Panel's children in available size.  
See Also