
XamAttachableCollection<T> Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by XamAttachableCollection<T>.

Public Properties
Public PropertyAssociatedObjectGets the associated object.  
Public PropertyCountGets the number of elements actually contained in the Collection. (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
Public PropertyItemGets or sets the element at the specified index. (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyItemsGets a IList wrapper around the Collection. (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
Public Methods
Public MethodAddAdds an object to the end of the Collection. (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
Public MethodAttachAttaches this instance to specified object.  
Public MethodClearRemoves all elements from the Collection. (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
Public MethodContainsDetermines whether an element is in the Collection. (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
Public MethodCopyToCopies the entire Collection to a compatible one-dimensional System.Array, starting at the specified index of the target array. (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
Public MethodDetachDetaches this instance from its associated object.  
Public MethodGetEnumeratorReturns an enumerator that iterates through the Collection. (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
Public MethodIndexOfSearches for the specified object and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the entire Collection. (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
Public MethodInsertInserts an element into the Collection at the specified index. (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
Public MethodMove (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<T>)
Public MethodOnAttachedThis method is called when the object is attached.  
Public MethodOnDetachingThis method is called when the object is deattached.  
Public MethodRemoveRemoves the first occurrence of a specific object from the Collection. (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
Public MethodRemoveAtRemoves the element at the specified index of the Collection. (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
Public Events
Protected Events
See Also