
Infragistics Namespace

ClassCachedTypedInfo Object used to store the Type, and in WPF the PropertyDescriptors for a Type.
ClassComparisonCondition Represents a ComparisonConditionBase object that is based on a ComparisonOperator operator.
ClassComparisonConditionBase A base class for ComparisonConditions for filtering.
ClassConditionCollection A collection of IFilterCondition objects which represent a group of conditions bound by a LogicalOperator
ClassCustomComparisonCondition Represents a ComparisonConditionBase object that is based on a custom Expression object.
ClassDataAcquisitionEventArgs Event argument used when the DataManager is processing its data
ClassDataField Represents a given field of an object.
ClassDataManager<T> Wraps an IEnumerable to get items while using IList or IQueryable to improve performance if available.
ClassDataManagerBase Wraps an IEnumerable to get items while using IList or IQueryable to improve performance if available.
ClassDataManagerProvider An abstract class, that provides information to create a custom DataManager.
ClassDataObjectTypeMismatchException An System.Exception that is thrown when the GetEnumerator method of the IEnumerable returns null for the DataManagerBase.
ClassDataSourceDoesNotSupportIListException An System.Exception that is thrown when the GetEnumerator method of the IEnumerable returns null for the DataManagerBase.
ClassFilterContext A nongeneric abstract class representing a filter on an object. Cast up to CustomFilter
ClassFilterContext<TDataObject> A FilterContext object typed to a particular object.
ClassFormattingRuleCollection<T> A collection of IRule objects which need a chance to gather data during the databinding process.
ClassGroupByContext An object that encapsulates the GroupBy functionality used by the DataManagerBase
ClassGroupByContext<TColumnType> An object that encapsulates the GroupBy functionality used by the DataManagerBase
ClassGroupByDataContext An object that contains the informaton of data that has been grouped by the GroupByContext
ClassHandleableEventArgs Event argument for events in which the user wants to mark the event handled.
ClassHandleableObjectGenerationEventArgs Event argument used when the DataManager has a request for a new data object.
ClassInformationContext A context object used to get data from the data for secondary features.
ClassInformationContext<T,TColumnType> A class of InformationContext objects generically typed.
ClassInvalidEnumeratorException An System.Exception that is thrown when the GetEnumerator method of the IEnumerable returns null for the DataManagerBase.
ClassMergedColumnInfo An object that represents a particular field that the data has been merged by.
ClassMergedDataContext An object that encapsulates the Merged Data functionality used by the DataManagerBase
ClassMergedDataContext<T,TColumnType> An object that encapsulates the Merging functionality used by the DataManagerBase
ClassMergedRowInfo An object that stores the merge information for a particualr data row from an items source.
ClassRecordFilterCollection A CollectionBase of IRecordFilter objects which combine to give the the current filter.
ClassRequireEmptyConstructorException An System.Exception that is thrown when the GetEnumerator method of the IEnumerable returns null for the DataManagerBase.
ClassSortContext A nongeneric abstract class representing a sort on a property. Cast up to CurrentSort
ClassSortContext<T,TColumnType> A generic class to describe a custom sort on a property given the type of object and column type.
ClassSummaryCalculatorBase Provides a base class for SummaryCalculators for the Summary framework.
ClassSummaryContext A nongeneric abstract class representing a summary on an object.
ClassSummaryContext<TObjectType,TColumnType> A generic class representing a summary on an object.
ClassSummaryDefinition A class which describes the type of summary being applied.
ClassSummaryDefinitionCollection A collection of SummaryDefinition objects.
ClassSummaryOperandBase A base class for operands that will be used in the Summary framework which contains information which is needed for display.
ClassSummaryResult An object that contains the information related to an executed summary.
ClassSummaryResultCollection A collection of SummaryResult objects which are used to display summary data.
ClassSynchronousSummaryCalculator A summary that will be executed during the normal databinding in process.
ClassTypelessDataManager Wraps an IEnumerable to get items while using IList or IQueryable to improve performance if available. This particular DataManager doesn't support Sorting, Filtering, or Paging.
InterfaceIBindableItem An interface that should be used to describe whether an object was created from a data source or added adhoc.
InterfaceIExpressConditions An interface which will be used by filtering to generate the expression to be applied.
InterfaceIFilterCondition Interface that defines an object that can participate in filtering.
InterfaceIFilteredCollectionView An interface which describes how to provide filtering information to a datasource.
InterfaceIGroupFilterConditions Interface that describes and object that can contain other IFilterCondition objects and will generate an expression for all of them.
InterfaceIProvideDataItems<T> An interface that describes a collection of objects.
InterfaceIRecordFilter The IRecordFilter interface is used to define objects which will contain a collection of conditions which will build up filters.
InterfaceIRule Defines an interface which will participate the data binding so that it can gather data during the data processing.
DelegateMergeDelegate<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,TResult> Custom deletage used to pass information in the MergedDataContext.
EnumerationComparisonOperator Enum describing operators which can be used for filtering.
EnumerationEvaluationStage Enumeration which lists when conditional formatting data will be gathered.
EnumerationLinqSummaryOperator An enum used by summary to designate that a LINQ summary should be use.
EnumerationLogicalOperator And enumeration of available operators.
EnumerationSummaryExecution Enum that is used to determine when a summary should be calculated.
See Also