
HashPool<TKey,TValue> Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by HashPool<TKey,TValue>.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorHashPool<TKey,TValue> ConstructorConstructs a new HashPool instance.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyActivateGets or sets the function used to activate items.  
Public PropertyActiveCountGets the count of the number of actives.  
Public PropertyActiveKeysGets the keys of the active pool objects.  
Public PropertyCreateGets or sets the function used to create new items.  
Public PropertyDestroyGets or sets the function used to destroy old items.  
Public PropertyDisactivateGets or sets the function used to disactivate items.  
Public PropertyItemGets the requested item, extendening the pool and creating the item if necessary.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyActiveThe active members of the pool.  
Protected PropertyInactiveThe inactive members of the pool.  
Public Methods
Public MethodClearClears the items from the hash pool.  
Public MethodDoToAllPerfoms an action on all the items in the pool.  
Public MethodDoToAllActivePerfoms an action on all the items in the pool.  
Public MethodIsActiveKeyReturns whether the provided key is in the active set.  
Public MethodRemoveRemoves the item with the provided key from the pool.  
See Also