| Name | Description |
| AdjustRightIndent | Gets/sets whether to automatically adjust the right indent when using the document grid |
| Borders | Determines how text will be aligned horizontally. |
| ContextualSpacing | Gets/sets whether to ignore spacing above and below when using identical styles. |
| Frame | Get/sets the frame related settings for the paragraph. |
| HasTabStops | Returns true if the TabStops property is set to a non-null instance of TabStopCollection with Count of 1 or greater. |
| Indentation | Get/sets the indentation of the lines within the paragraph. |
| IsSealed | Returns true if this object has been sealed, i.e. immutable. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.RichText.RichTextObjectBase) |
| IsShared | Gets the value which indicates whether the settings object is being shared by multiple nodes. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.RichText.RichTextSettingsBase) |
| KeepLinesOnOnePage | Gets/sets whether to try to keep all paragraph lines on a single page |
| KeepWithNext | Gets/sets whether to try to keep this paragraph with the next paragraph |
| ListId | Specifies the list id associated with bulleted or numbered item this paragraph represents. |
| ListLevel | Specifies the 0-based level of the item in the bulleted or numbered list that this paragraph represents. Default value is -1, which is resolved to 0. |
| MirrorIndents | Gets/sets whether to use left/right indents as inside/outside indents |
| OverflowPunctuation | Gets/sets whether to allow punctuation to extend past text extents. |
| ParagraphAlignment | Determines how text will be aligned horizontally. |
| RightToLeft | Gets/sets whether to use Right to Left paragraph layout |
| Shading | Gets/sets the background shading for the paragraph |
| SnapToGrid | Gets/sets whether to use document grid settings for inter-line paragraph spacing. |
| Spacing | Gets/sets the spacing before and after the paragraph |
| StartOnNextPage | Gets/sets whether to start the paragraph on the next page. |
| SuppressAutoHyphens | Gets/sets whether to hyphenation of the paragraph. |
| SuppressLineNumbers | Gets/sets whether to suppress the display of line numbers for the paragraphs. |
| SuppressOverlap | Gets/sets whether to prevent text frames from overlapping. |
| TabStops | Returns the collection of TabStops |
| TextAlignment | Determines how text will be aligned vertically. |
| TopLinePunctuation | Gets/sets whether to compress punctuation at the start of a line. |
| WidowControl | Gets/sets whether to allow the first/last line to display on a separate page. |
| WordWrap | Determines if line breaking is allowed at the word or character level. |