
VersionedDocumentOffset Structure Members

The following tables list the members exposed by VersionedDocumentOffset.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorVersionedDocumentOffset ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyOffsetGets the document offset.  
Public PropertyVersionGets the document version associated with this VersionedDocumentOffset.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAddReturns a new VersionedDocumentOffset with its offset incremented by the specified value.  
Public MethodDifferenceReturns the offset difference between this document offset and another.  
Public MethodEqualsOverloaded. Compares the specified object to this value to see if they are equivalent.  
Public MethodGetHashCodeReturns the hash code of the structure.  
Public MethodSubtractReturns a new VersionedDocumentOffset with its offset decremented by the specified value.  
Public MethodTranslateToTranslates document offset from one version to another version of the document.  
Public Operators
public Operator Addition Adds to a document offset.
public Operator Equality Compares the values of two VersionedDocumentOffset structures for equality.
public Operator Greater Than Compares the relative values of two VersionedDocumentOffset structures.
public Operator Implicit Type Conversion Implicitly converts the VersionedDocumentOffset to an int representing its offset.
public Operator Inequality Compares the values of two VersionedDocumentOffset structures for inequality.
public Operator Less Than Compares the relative values of two VersionedDocumentOffset structures.
public Operator Subtraction Overloaded. Subtracts an offset from a position.
See Also