
VersionedDocumentSpan Structure Members

The following tables list the members exposed by VersionedDocumentSpan.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorVersionedDocumentSpan ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyEndReturns the end point of the span (read-only).  
Public PropertyIsEmptyReturns true if the length of the span is 0 (read-only).  
Public PropertyLengthReturns the length of the text span (read-only).  
Public PropertyOffsetReturns the zero-based offset from the beginning of the RichTextDocumentVersion (read-only).  
Public PropertySpanReturns the DocumentSpan structure (read-only).  
Public PropertyStartReturns the start of the span within the RichTextDocumentVersion (read-only).  
Public PropertyVersionReturns the associated RichTextDocumentVersion (read-only).  
Public Methods
Public MethodEqualsOverloaded. Compares the specified object to this object to see if they are equivalent.  
Public MethodGetHashCodeReturns the hash code of the structure.  
Public MethodIntersectionOverloaded. Returns a span that contains just the intersection between this span and another.  
Public MethodIntersectsWithOverloaded. Returns true is the span intersects with this span.  
Public MethodOverlapOverloaded. Returns a span that contains just the overlap between this span and another.  
Public MethodOverlapsWithOverloaded. Returns true is the span overlaps with this span.  
Public MethodTranslateToTranslates the span from one version to another.  
Public Operators
public Operator Equality Compares the values of two VersionedDocumentSpan structures for equality
public Operator Implicit Type Conversion Implicitly converts the VersionedDocumentSpan to a DocumentSpan.
public Operator Inequality Compares the values of two VersionedDocumentSpan structures for inequality
See Also