
DragDropEventArgs Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by DragDropEventArgs.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorDragDropEventArgs Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertyCopyCursorTemplateGets or sets the data template that will be used as cursor when coping operation is performed during dragging.  
Public PropertyCustomMouseHolderGets or sets the System.Windows.UIElement suggested by consumer of the event as the element which has to capture the mouse during the drag-drop.  
Public PropertyDataGets or sets the instance of the object that represents the dragged data.  
Public PropertyDragSourceGets the UIElement that initiates drag operation.  
Public PropertyDragTemplateGets or sets the data template that will be applied to dragged element representation.  
Public PropertyDropNotAllowedCursorTemplateGets or sets the data template that will be used as cursor when drag operation is performed but drop dragged item is not over appropriate target.  
Public PropertyDropTargetGets the instance of the object marked as drop target.  
Public PropertyMoveCursorTemplateGets or sets the data template that will be used as cursor when item is draged over appropriate drop target.  
Public PropertyOperationTypeGets or sets the type of intended action during drag-and-drop operation. Setting this property will enforce the applying of related cursor.  
Public PropertyOriginalDragSourceGets the original reporting source as determined by pure hit testing.  
See Also