
MatrixBase Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by MatrixBase.

Public Properties
Public PropertyLengthReturns the length of the MatrixBase.  
Public PropertyRankReturns the number of dimensions in the MatrixBase.  
Public PropertySizeReturns the dimensions of the MatrixBase as a Vector.  
Protected Properties
Protected Internal PropertyDimensionsReturns the dimensions of the MatrixBase.  
Public Methods
Public MethodEqualsCompares the MatrixBase with x for equality.  
Public MethodGetEnumeratorReturns an enumerator for the MatrixBase instance."  
Public MethodGetHashCodeReturns a hash code for the MatrixBase.  
Public MethodIsColumnDetermines whether the MatrixBase is a column MatrixBase.  
Public MethodIsEmptyDetermines whether the MatrixBase is empty.  
Public MethodIsRowDetermines whether the MatrixBase is a row MatrixBase.  
Public MethodIsSquareDetermines whether the MatrixBase is square.  
Public MethodIsTwoDimensionalDetermines if the MatrixBase has exactly two dimensions.  
Public MethodIsUnitaryDetermines whether the MatrixBase is unitary.  
Public MethodSqueezeRemoves unitary dimensions from MatrixBase instances with greater than two dimensions.  
Public MethodToStringReturns the string representation of a MatrixBase.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodCopyToCopies the base ComplexVector to an array starting at a particular index.  
See Also