
IPivotDataSlicer Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by IPivotDataSlicer.

Public Properties
 PropertyHasAppliedFilterGets a value indicating whether this instance has applied filter.  
 PropertyItemsGets IEnumerable of all IPivotDataSlicerItem items of this instance.  
 PropertySlicerItemsColorSchemeGets or sets the slicer items color scheme.  
 PropertySlicerProviderGets or sets the IPivotDataSlicerProvider.  
 PropertyTargetHierarchiesGets collection of all available hierarchies.  
 PropertyTargetHierarchyGets or sets the hierarchy this instance targets.  
 PropertyTargetHierarchyNameGets or sets the unique name of the target hierarchy this slicer connects to.  
 PropertyTargetLevelGets or sets the target level.  
 PropertyTargetLevelIndexGets or sets the index of the target level.  
 PropertyTargetLevelNameGets or sets the name of the target level.  
 PropertyTargetLevelsGets collection of levels related to the TargetHierarchy instance.  
Public Methods
 MethodGetItemReturns the IPivotDataSlicerItem with the specified unique name, or null if no such item exists,  
 MethodGetTargetHierarchyGets an instance of Infragistics.Olap.Data.IHierarchy which TargetHierarchy property points to as make safe getting that instance from a background thread.  
 MethodGetTargetLevelGets an instance of Infragistics.Olap.Data.ILevel which TargetLevel property points to as make safe getting that instance from a background thread.  
Public Events
 EventSlicerItemSelectionChangedOccurs when a child IPivotDataSlicerItem selection changes.  
See Also