
Infragistics.Persistence Namespace

ClassDurationTypeConverter A System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter that converts from Duration to string, and string to Duration.
ClassInvalidPersistenceGroupException An System.Exception that is thrown when a PersistenceGroup's controls don't match up with the stream that it's supposed to load from.
ClassLoadPropertyPersistenceEventArgs An object used to pass information of a property being loaded.
ClassPersistenceEvents An object that contains the events used for Saving and Loading the persistence of System.Windows.DependencyObjects.
ClassPersistenceGroup An object used to group multiple System.Windows.DependencyObjects so that they maybe Saved and Loaded at the same time.
ClassPersistenceLoadedEventArgs An object used to pass information for when an object has been loaded.
ClassPersistenceManager A class that can save a System.Windows.DependencyObject in its current state and load it back.
ClassPersistenceSavedEventArgs An object used to pass information for when an object has been saved.
ClassPersistenceSettings An object that contains the settings for how an object should save and load properties.
ClassPropertyNamePersistenceInfo An object that can be used to identify a Property by its Name.
ClassPropertyPersistenceEventArgs An object used to pass information about a property being saved or loaded.
ClassPropertyPersistenceExceptionDetails An object that stores information of a Property that couldn't be loaded b/c of an exception.
ClassPropertyPersistenceInfoBase A base object that can be used to identify a Property.
ClassPropertyPersistenceInfoBaseCollection A Collection of PropertyPersistenceInfoBase objects.
ClassPropertyTypePersistenceInfo An object that can be used to identify a Property by its Type.
ClassRepeatBehaviorTypeConverter A System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter that converts from RepeatBehavior to string, and string to RepeatBehavior.
ClassSavePropertyPersistenceEventArgs An object used to pass information of a property being saved.
ClassTimeSpanTypeConverter A System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter that converts from TimeSpan to string, and string to TimeSpan.
See Also