
ISupportRecycling Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ISupportRecycling.

Public Properties
 PropertyAttachedElementGets/sets the actual System.Windows.FrameworkElement that is attached to the object. If no object is attached then null is returned.  
 PropertyIsDirtyGets/sets a value that determines if the System.Windows.FrameworkElement attached has been modified in such a way that it should just be thrown away when the object is done with it.  
 PropertyRecyclingElementTypeGets the System.Type of the System.Windows.FrameworkElement that is being recycled.  
 PropertyRecyclingIdentifierOffers another way to recyle an element, other than Type.  
Public Methods
 MethodCreateInstanceOfRecyclingElementCreates a new instance of the System.Windows.FrameworkElement that represents the object.  
 MethodOnElementAttachedInvoked when a System.Windows.FrameworkElement is being attached to the object.  
 MethodOnElementReleasedInvoked when a System.Windows.FrameworkElement is no longer attached to the object.  
 MethodOnElementReleasingInvoked before a System.Windows.FrameworkElement is released from the object.  
See Also