
Configuring Needles (XamRadialGauge)


This topic provides a conceptual overview of needles with the XamRadialGauge™ control. It describes the properties of the needles and also provides an example of how to configure them.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

Topic Purpose

This section gives you an overview of the XamRadialGauge™ control and its main features.

This topic explains using a code example how to add the XamRadialGauge™ control to a WPF application.

Needles Overview

Needles overview

A gauge needle is a visual element used to signify a gauge set value and consists of needle cap overlays or underlays; the gauge needle’s pivot point. The supported needle shapes and caps are set using the NeedleShape and NeedlePivotShape properties. For a visual representation of the different needle shape and the pivot shape refer to the needle sample


The following image is a preview of the XamRadialGauge control with the needle’s Value property set to 60.

Configuring Needles1 1 17 1.png

Needle Properties

Needle properties summary

The following table summarizes the properties the XamRadialGauge control related to the needle.

Property Name Property Type Description


Determines the value on the gauge to which the needle points.


Determines the beginning position of the needle, measured from the center of the gauge. The value of this property should be between -1 and 1.


Determines the ending position of the needle , measured from the center of the gauge. The value of this property should be between -1 and 1.


Determines the width of the needle at its point. The value of this property should be between 0 and 1.


Determines the width of the needle at its base. The value of this property should be between 0 and 1.

This has no effect unless the NeedleShape property is set to any of the following values:

  • Rectangle

  • RectangleWithBulb

  • Trapezoid

  • TrapezoidWithBulb

Determines which of the predefined needle shapes to use. It can be set to:

  • Rectangle

  • RectangleWithBulb

  • Triangle

  • TriangleWithBulb

  • Trapezoid

  • TrapezoidWithBulb

  • Needle

  • NeedleWithBulb

  • None

Determines the pivot shape to use for the needle.

It can be set to:

  • Circle

  • CircleWithHole

  • CircleOverlay

  • CircleOverlayWithHole

  • CircleUnderlay

  • CircleUnderlayWithHole

  • None


Determines the brush of the gauge needle.


Determines the brush to use for the outline needle.


Determines the fill brush for the needle pivot shape. This pivot brush only applies to the pivot shapes that draw an overlay or an underlay. Otherwise, this setting has no effect on the pivot shape.


Determines the brush of the outlines of the needle pivot shape. This pivot brush only applies to the pivot shapes that draw an overlay or an underlay. Otherwise, this setting has no effect on the pivot shape.

Configuring the Needle


The following screenshot demonstrates how the XamRadialGauge control with the properties of the needle looks as a result of the following setting:

Property Value





Configuring Needles1 2 17 1.png

Following is the code that implements this example


<ig:XamRadialGauge x:Name="radialGauge"
                   NeedlePivotShape=“CircleWithHole” />

In C#:

var radialGauge = new XamRadialGauge();
radialGauge.Value = 60;
radialGauge.NeedleEndExtent = 0.5;
radialGauge.NeedleShape = RadialGaugeNeedleShape.Rectangle;
radialGauge.NeedlePivotShape = RadialGaugePivotShape.CircleWithHole;

In Visual Basic:

Dim radialGauge As XamRadialGauge = New XamRadialGauge
radialGauge.Value = 60
radialGauge.NeedleEndExtent = 0.5
radialGauge.NeedleShape = RadialGaugeNeedleShape.Rectangle
radialGauge.NeedlePivotShape = RadialGaugePivotShape.CircleWithHole

[[Highlight Needle Example]] == Configuring the Highlight Value Needle

Highlight Example

The following screenshot demonstrates how the XamRadialGauge control with the highlight needle enabled looks as a result of the following settings:

Related Content

The following topics provide additional information related to this topic:

Topic Purpose

This topic explains using a code example how to add the XamRadialGauge™ control to a WPF application.

This topic provides a conceptual overview of the XamRadialGauge™ control’s backing feature. It describes the properties of the backing area and provides an example of its implementation.

This topic provides a conceptual overview of labels with the XamRadialGauge™ control. It describes the properties of the labels and also provides an example of how to configure the labels.

This topic provides a conceptual overview of the XamRadialGauge™ control’s ranges. It describes the properties of the ranges and provides an example of how to add ranges to the radial gauge.

This topic provides a conceptual overview of the XamRadialGauge™ control’s scale. It describes the properties of the scale and also provides an example of how to implement it.

This topic provides a conceptual overview of tick marks with the XamRadialGauge™ control. It describes the tick marks’ properties and provides an example of how to implement them.