
About Infragistics Word Library

This topic explains with examples the possible approaches to creating Word documents: the forward-only streamer approach and the object-model approach.

The topic is organized as follows:

Generating Word Documents using the Forward-Only Streamer

Introduction to the WordDocumentWriter Object

The WordDocumentWriter is a streamer object that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only means of generating streams or files containing word processing data. This object is available in the InfragisticsWPF.Documents.IO.dll assembly. The WordDocumentWriter object enables you to create Word documents with improved performance through the forward-only streaming approach.

The sections below demonstrate how to use the WordDocumentWriter class with code examples.


A reference to the InfragisticsWPF.Documents.IO.dll assembly is required.

Creating an Instance

The WordDocumentWriter class is abstract, and does not support direct instantiation. Therefore, a static Create method is exposed to create an instance of a derived class.

In C#:

//  Compile the file name
string filename = "C:\\SampleWordDoc";
// Create a new instance of the WordDocumentWriter class using the
// static 'Create' method.
using ( WordDocumentWriter writer = WordDocumentWriter.Create(filename) )

In Visual Basic:

'  Compile the file name
Dim filename As String = "C:\SampleWordDoc"
' Create a new instance of the WordDocumentWriter class using the
' static 'Create' method.
Using writer As WordDocumentWriter = WordDocumentWriter.Create(filename)
End Using
Creating a Blank Word Document

One of the first things when creating a Word document is to indicate the begining the document. This writes the and tags to the output stream, and prepares the writer for further input. The following code sample demonstrates how to start and close a blank Word document:

In C#:

//  Create a new instance of the WordDocumentWriter class using the
//  static 'Create' method.
string filename = "C:\\SampleWordDoc";
using ( WordDocumentWriter writer = WordDocumentWriter.Create(filename) )
  // Start the document...note that each call to StartDocument must
  // be balanced with a corresponding call to EndDocument.
  // TODO: Add document content here
  // End the document.

In Visual Basic:

'  Create a new instance of the WordDocumentWriter class using the
'  static 'Create' method.
Dim filename As String = "C:\SampleWordDoc"
Using writer As WordDocumentWriter = WordDocumentWriter.Create(filename)
    ' Start the document...note that each call to StartDocument must
    ' be balanced with a corresponding call to EndDocument.
    ' TODO: Add document content here
    ' End the document.
End Using
Adding Paragraphs

The following code sample demonstrates how to add a paragraph with a text run, using a specific font:

In C#:

private void WriteParagraph(
    WordDocumentWriter writer,
    string text,
    Infragistics.Documents.Word.Font font )
    // Open a paragraph
    // Add a text run with the specified text and font
    writer.AddTextRun( text, font );
    // Close the paragraph.

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub WriteParagraph(writer As WordDocumentWriter, text As String, _
  font As Infragistics.Documents.Word.Font)
    ' Open a paragraph
    ' Add a text run with the specified text and font
    writer.AddTextRun(text, font)
    ' Close the paragraph.
End Sub

Word Document Generation References and Dependencies

Using .NET CLR 3.0 or greater

When using the Infragistics® Word library and exporters to generate a Microsoft® Word® document, the .NET Framework CLR version 3.0 or greater is required. In this scenario, you will reference the InfragisticsWPF.Documents.IO.dll assembly. The compression and packaging functionality that is built into the Word document creation logic relies on the .NET Framework CLR3.0.