
Interleaved 2 Of 5

The Interleaved 2 Of 5 barcode is a high-density numeric barcode symbology. It encodes only an even number of digits, as 0 is added at the beginning if an odd number is entered. A checksum can be generated by setting the XamInterleaved2Of5Barcode™ control property ShouldGenerateChecksum to True.

Note that the checksum is not part of the Data value property.

Sample Image With XAML Code Declaration:


<ig:XamInterleaved2Of5Barcode x:Name="Barcode" Data="543212" ShouldGenerateChecksum="True" />

In Visual Basic:

Dim Barcode As New XamInterleaved2Of5Barcode()
Barcode.Data = "543212"
Barcode.ShouldGenerateChecksum = True

In C#:

XamInterleaved2Of5Barcode Barcode = new XamInterleaved2Of5Barcode();
Barcode.Data = "543212";
Barcode.ShouldGenerateChecksum = true;
xamBarcode XamInterleaved2Of5Barcode 01.png